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Everything posted by Bor

  1. Great test. Honestly Sounds very interesting. Keep up with these amazing tests.
  2. -Support. This is from my personal view, But how often is it that D bois actually manage to get through, On Thursday I saw a 30+ D boi Rush, And security Managed to defend against them suffering minor casualties. I think the current state of D Class is honestly quite good (Other then the guns Which is highly debate-ably) I don't think they need another restriction holding them back. It also kinda ruins the fun for cern't d class if they are not allowed to attempt to try and kill a Security, If we limit them and make them forced to sit there and be there afk, Or waiting for Research to take them, It would get very boring and Unfun. Sincerely - Boris If you have any issues or advice/Constructive Criticism, Please feel free to Contact me on the fourms, TS, Or Discord.
  3. +1-1 +1 Good Guy. Pretty Good Events. Fun to be around. -1 I don't see you On the Administration Job for Sits. This might just be me being Ignorant, This might just be because of One reason. I've only been Trial Moderator for Three Days. If I am wrong about this please take the time to contact me, Either on TS, Discord, Or the Fourms. Good Luck On your App Sincerely - Boris.
  4. Bor

    Happy birthday Rang

    Ding Ding Ding Rise for the National Bell Ringing Contest Winners. 1# Rang 2#Rang 3#Rang "w"
  5. I think I know you Hope this is who I'm thinking off.
  6. +1 Always a good person to talk to. Also your Event Ideas are very interesting from a view. Let's hope you can amplify them. I've also been looking for more lore events, Maybe you Can bring that. Good Luck on Your Application
  7. This sounds intriguing.
  8. What is your in-game name?: Boris What is your steam name?: Boris (GL) What is your steam ID?: STEAM_1:1:199064775 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) About a Year ago now, I was staff on Anime RP For a little while there. I've been a Event Master on a Different Server, where I was able to (If No Staff Were online) help them. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) SCP-RP Like 4 Ish to 5 Weeks ago, I first started playing on Gamining Light in 2017. What date did you make your forums account? March 27th, 2018 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Silver. How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 6 https://steamcommunity.com/id/K3123456/screenshot/794233491558000685 (These warns are from police RP) I have none on SCP. Have you donated? Yes, I donated for Silver. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? Not currently. Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Affirmative. Timezone: PST Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) The reason I think I do deserve this rank, Is because: Most of the time I am very calm. They're is a rare chance I will get angry or frustrated. I try to be as active as I can be, Since I've started SCP-RP, I've probably missed around 3 days where I have not jumped on the server once. I have two very good sides of me, My Logical Side and My Common Sense side, They both help me with difficult procedures. My Logical side helps me with problems that are not in the book and require Logical thinking to evaluate and make a decision. My Common sense side, helps me with Problems that would be within the range of the rules. that are more easily handled (Such as building without permission, FAILRP, RDM) . My memory is like a flash drive, If I do something and it is wrong, And I am told so, I never forget it again. My humor, I would like to say that I'm funny, I wouldn't say everyone would agree with that, But I do like making people laugh and being all around a nice person to talk to and be around. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would start of trying to explain to them why they are here, If they do not calm down I will warn them to try to get them to stop swearing, I would also attempt to gather all the evidence I can from them, If all they do is swear and micspam/minge, and they won't stop at all, I will be forced to gag/Temporally Gag them. I would later call in a Admin+ For the 10'000 Second Minge. Notes: Thank your for reading and taking your time reviewing my Staff application: One of my most favorite parts of this process is the helpful criticism, It helps me approve and become better, So if you have any advice, I would to love to hear and read it. Also When copy and pasting from discord it makes the words outlined in Gray, Not sure if that will show up. Used discord to take my time with my APP. I'm going to be away for three days tommorow, Camping, Sorry If I do not respond.
  9. Name: Boris Rank: Sergeant First Class Any Concerns? Lower level Gensec not knowing the rules.
  10. Please staff Members, Don't try to Justifie your actions. It just makes you look worse, We now what happened, We don't need a repeat of what happned
  11. What is your in-game name?: Boris Boon/SNR Boris Boon 1A47 What is your steam name?: Jvrn2/Boris What is your steam ID?: STEAM_1:1:199064775 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I have slight experience with staffing, I was shortly staff on AnimeRP, I was staff for around 2 weeks, Probably longer. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) The first time I played, It was a long time ago, I only played for a few hours, So roughly I would say, 2017, Can't say month, I didn't play much at that time. What date did you make your forums account? My first forums account, Was in 2017, I have recently forgotten the Username and Password, After returning to Gaming Light. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Member. How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? https://steamcommunity.com/id/K3123456/screenshot/914702041543518367, I currently have four, There were assigned roughly around 2018, Before I started taking RP Seriously, I was very mingy at that time. Have you donated? Unfortunately, I cannot, Next time I am able to I will, I recently Acquired a new Laptop so its unlikely. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No, this would be my Second time I would be staff, First One was also a Gaming Light Server. Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: PST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):Mocking Bird. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)I've only had 48+ Hours with this server, But I've been able to accurately play and experience PoliceRP, When I'm police I try to Respect and Be calm and collected to people, And understand there reasoning behind there crime. I've met lots of well known people on the server, I don't now them too personally, But we are on first name basis. When I am a Thief or A Citizen, I try not to break rules and be mingy. I am a very understanding person, When I'm in the wrong and I realize it I accept it and move on with my know new Acquired knowledge, Whenever I'm listening to two people argue I try to find out, Who's in the right and Who's in the wrong, This also apply's to real life. I've read through Police RP Guidelines, Staff Guidelines, And the Staff Handbook. I have been playing Gmod for over a year now, I have 1700 Hours+. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would first attempt to get him to stop, But if that is unsuccessful, I would call a Higher up In because Of my limited ability's and knowledge.
  12. Good Job, I congratulate you on your accomplishment.
  13. Couldn't find any pictures on my Computer of my dogs. But Here we go. #Dog 1, Breed LiamBurger cross, #Dog 2 Breed: Min Pin. This is Cario One big One Small. This is Paris, Might be getting a 3rd soon, Hopefully.
  14. Besides GMOD, I Enjoy Spiderman games, Overwatch, Sometimes Apex. Many people would probably assume fortnite, But personally I dislike fortnite, Not a enjoyable game.
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