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Everything posted by Bor

  1. What is your in-game name?: Boris What is your steam name?: (GL) Bor What is your steam ID?: STEAM_1:1:199064775 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Event Team Member on a Clone Wars RP Server, Moderator on Anime RP until it shut down. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Not sure, Most likely 2-3 Months ish? What date did you make your forums account? March 27th Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Moderator How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 6 (PRP) So none on SCP-RP Have you donated? Yes, Gold. What rank are you applying for? Senior Moderator Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No. Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Back to front. Timezone: PST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Rang (Super Admin) RookieBlue (Admin) Infected (Admin) Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe I deserve this rank through dedication, This is basically been my online life since I found it. I play every time I'm able dedicating time and effort into making everyone's days better. Every time I go into a sit I put my full effort into it. The pressure of being a good Staff Member, makes me strive to be better then I was, If I make a mistake I take that mistake and make it something better. I go into a sit thinking about the possibility's that I will come across (A new thought process goes through my mind every time I see the request in the top left of my screen, RDM, My mind instantly jumps to, I'll bring him take him to the staff room, Ask him what happened (While checking logs) After the explanation I will tp the guy that killed him, And get his side, After this I will decide my verdict (Either it being a Warn, Verbal Warning, Or the justification for him killing him. When I take sits I am unbiased, If I am taking a sit where I now the person either Personally or first name basis, I would take the sit as I don't now either of them and make it fair for both of them. Every sit I take that results in a warn, I put down in a note on my computer, If I end up in a sit with this person again, I now to take further action then a warn (I wipe this note everyday for clogging reasons. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First bring him to a staff room, Checks logs to make sure it's classified as Mass RDM. After I would Attempt to explain to him what he's done, If he would continue with swearing and dissing I would gag him and warn him to help him calm down. If I manage to get him calmed I would proceed to explain, That you cannot RDM Random people and that it is against the rules, I would call in a Admin+ For a 10,000 Second Minge. (Second Part) If he didn't calm down I would immediately call a admin+ For the minge since nothing I do in that situation is going to get this individual to stop, A ban may be issued depending on the Admin+ Discretion. (Also if he was swearing in chat and OOC/Advert I would mute him as well) Thank you for taking the time to read over my application. Please be honest when deciding your verdict. Anything I should now please contact me either, On this very Forums, Team speak, or Discord. -Yours truly, Boris!
  2. Bor

    - support on minging

    Both of you have had mingy moments, Let push passed it and become better.
  3. Bor


    LETS ALL CONGRATULATE RANG ON MAKING SUPER ADMIN! Rang deserved this all the way.
  4. Format, Not 200 200 But maybe 125-150 Max for both, Would be better. 200 200 Would just be overpowered.
  5. Bor


    Name (as it is on the roster): Boris FTO Rank: JFTO How Active Are You?: As much as I can. Any Concerns?: No;.
  6. -Support 682 would be so hard to contain.
  7. +/- Lot's of Grammar Errors. I suggest you go over this and fix it., +Support We need more GMT Staff DUE TO most staff being EST-PST. Q 16 is pretty good. - Yours truly Boris.
  8. Wow, Your CC Was not added to all that?
  9. ?????????? Why. If your responding to a roll call you would go to the either Google Form or the Fourms page the, Role Call you need to reply too. Ask your higher ups for it, If you don't understand it.
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