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Everything posted by Bor

  1. In-Game Name: Boris Steam Name: Bor SteamID: STEAM_1:1:199064775 Are you a Moderator+? Yes How often are you on TeamSpeak? Almost everyday. Do you have a working quality mic? Indeed. What timezone are you in? PST. Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+) The reason I want to become a support team member, Is because, I'd like to expand myself from just a moderator, I want to help more than SCP-RP Players. The satisfactory of being able to help more than just a small portion of the community, To possibly the full community, This could be the chance I needed to fulfill my goal, What I've seen from my personal times being in that support channel, Is people not being seen too, I would love not to just sit there, And let them be there, Just waiting. All around I could bring help and support to everyone that needs and requires it. How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I think I could improve support team, In a positive direction by, Bring fun and joy to the team, Help support players and improve their feeling towards gaminglight as a hole. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? Hello, My name is Boris, Your support member for this (Evening,Morning,Afternoon). How may I help you? Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Affirmative. Notes: If you have supportive criticism or anything that would help me improve my future apps, Or just myself I would love to hear it, Please contact me on TS, Discord, Or On this very forums. Your on and only - Boris.
  2. Bor

    Bonk's Behaviour

    Bonks Behavior is unacceptable, I've had sits with him where his excuses are I'm just trying to help (Building Huge ramps to get onto the elevator). But all and all, He's improved slightly, He's getting better, Especially as in research when he Is on the job he is quite respective, He turns mingy whenever it's off the game, Or off the research job. Make sure this is a Warn/Ban/Minge report before posting it in here, If you would like action taken against this specif player please contact CMD Members, I don't think that is necessary though. This is my personal opinion if you would like to speak to me and change my mind about something, Please contact me in TS Discord or forums. Your one and only - Boris.
  3. +Support Great Community Member. Active Great personality, Funny. Good And Constructive APP. Grammer is good. Your one and only - Boris
  4. +Support. This is deferentially annoying as any class that has to keypad crack, I saw like 7 CI going in, And MTF Built a huge wall because they heard it.
  5. War Gamer Invited me, When I was on TS, I was like sure, I kinda was in mist a drama, And was kinda done with it at that point.
  6. Also, I think previously you've been warned and minged for Disrespecting.
  7. If I could get a further explanation I do not understand this enough to give my opinion.
  8. Was on when this happened, from seeing how you admitted that you were using homophobic slang,I would say this warn is efficiently correct. -Support
  9. When I got to gate A then got killed by a MTF, I screamed so hard.
  10. Watching someone get scared the literal hell out of them. because SCP 682 Was on the other door and he opened it to see him.
  11. Carp, ....... Carp...Carp...., He's coming back!
  12. All of my SITS/Times when I'm around you, you Act very immature and mingy, The only time I see you take anything serious, Is on the research job, I honestly think you could make it far in research, Please take your learnings of maturity from research And expand that to all branches.
  13. Only thing I would say it would be counted as Lower than SO, SO Or JR, It would be like if you are seen in the hall ways you are able to be ID'd And called out. We currently have a class that does this somewhat, But is selective (Maynard) Multiple would be very interesting. Add Spice to the RP.
  14. One thing I do have to say, Is the part where you say about your training never causes minges, I'm sorry but I'm going to have call out, Thats near impossible, Every branch, Has the minges, All and all though, Great App. - Boris
  15. +/- +Support Friendly Community Member. Few Warns (Fixed it, Those were the warns he gave.) -Support Seeming from Above ^ You've learned a lot from your mistakes. Q 16, You would be able to do a lot of the sit yourself, From Warning, To Gagging, You'd only need the Admin+ To Administer the 10'000 Minge. ------------------------------------------------------------- Good Luck on your Application. Sincerely - Boris the T-MOD
  16. A 682 was able to kill me while god modded. All he does is hit me once and I die instantly. Sorry if there was a format, I couldn't find it.
  17. Bor

    Ajax Staff Report

    I honestly think Ajax Deserves another chance, Like one of the suggestions above.
  18. -Support. Major Grammar Infractions. Good Guy, But not sure if fit for staff, At the current moment. Good Luck on Your application. Sincerely - Boris
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