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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Phil

    Congratz Jeffe

    congrats! well deserved
  2. Phil

    Minge Appeal

    also you called a staff member a "retard" in admin chat hence the increase and 2nd warning for that, I do believe it was a smt member that gave you the initial minge as well
  3. Removed or make it a whitelist/donator class
  4. +support Also be able to have fist swep if that is at all possible(for prison fights etc etc)
  5. Phil

    Let's end this!

    The good god gordon ramsaysaid, pineapple does not belong on pizza
  6. Oof Either way its crip gang all the way
  7. Phil

    Thank you guys

    Happy birthday matey!
  8. +support if false warn Reminder staff handbook can be updated at any time and as such it has been updated: Staff are not to warn other staff members that are higher than themselves, unless with Super Admin+ permission. Staff members may warn Lowe staff members then themselves, for rule infractions. 
  9. -support warns valid, call for staff to assist next time
  10. Now i remember, changed the +/- to a flat out -support
  11. guys this has already been denied, just needs to be locked
  12. -inactive afffff Jk for real tho you definitely deserve it best of luck duvvy
  13. -support Dont fix whats not broken, sure 3 people claiming a sit isnt fun at times but just goes to show how active the staff are
  14. You've been staff restricted for a duration of 4months please wait out this sentence and next time dont copy someone else's staff application wont work out well for ya mate Big ole -support
  15. -support bIg MiNgE Jk but in all seriousness
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