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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Phil

    Ya boy phil

    Oi of course homie your my fav out this crazy lot ? Oi nah my bad bro i honestly forgot will miss ya too I did forget to add this is my semi leaving the community post, i will get on cos id miss all yall like crazy but I won't be on hours on end everyday like i was, i have really enjoyed my time in this community if time permits I'll come back fully and whatnot but if you anyone wants to stay in contact with me my discord is: Lord Of Woe#3894 always down for a yarn or whatever
  2. +/- support leaning more towards -support I mean you can see/hear alton hitting him and when you spoke death he did show up on "people who can hear you" You also stated its in motd you can kos him, to do so: To KOS the person, you need to warn the person 3 times to stop moving, if they comply you have to arrest them (Actually RP it out) which you didnt as provided by your video you just said "oh s**t hes got a gun *gunshot* hes got a gun" when it didnt appear that he had a gun out unless it was a pistol in safety mode but its very hard to see with you playing in 3rdperson thats my take from it with evidence you provided and hearing from altons side of it
  3. Phil

    Ya boy phil

    Damn how could i of forgotten about you joe thank you for everything mate your a good bloke I'll still have to pop on to see you guys Thanks for the fun times tim, definitely will be getting on still just not as much as I'd like
  4. Phil

    Ya boy phil

    Definitely will when i can and cheers bud thanks for everything ❤
  5. Phil

    Ya boy phil

    As some know ive been on LOA due to moving and unfortunately due to some irl stuff ive had to push it further and as much as i love the server and the community i wont be as active as i usually am as such inhave put my 48hr notice in and wont be playing much if at all, its been great fun playing with many of you guys and i will keep all the memories from my time on this server with me always. Thank you guys for making my time here great xox Big shout out to the following tho if ive missed ya my bad im exhausted love all yall @Haley @Hannah King @Taco. @DURAMAXDIES3L @Jeff Junior @[GL] Tom @Chad B @Munchies @CHEETO A big thank you to PoliceRP smt and zeeptin i am glad to have been apart of the server and community that you guys have created thank you for all you guys have done and continue to do so
  6. -support Reasons above, warn seems valid to me
  7. 100% agreed with Jimmy, as he suggested read over the motd and staff handbook and it'll help with answering some of these questions, get some more play time on the community so people are able to get to know you and if you dont get in this time round it'll be a benefit for the next time you apply, good luck and hope to see you ingame ?
  8. Definitely deserves it hes a great bloke!
  9. Whilst i think you deserve a chance at staff i do believe that you gotta work on your application more, rea over the staff handbook and also the format for staff applications. Good luck!
  10. Damn homie sad to see you go will miss the times i spent on SRT and on crim with ya
  11. Agreed doesnt warrant a perma
  12. Agreed HUGE +SUPPORT from me
  13. Phil

    Yobo FalseReport

    -support Should've been for copbaiting and no value for life
  14. Should be upgraded to a perma -support
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