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~ vσxιs ~

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Everything posted by ~ vσxιs ~

  1. Director Spire is NOT allowed to T-Pose on foundation staff for the sake of T-Pose Tuesday or T-Pose Thursday.
  2. +SUPPORT Evidence is clear as day. Adding yourself to whitelists that you were never trained for is a big no no. I personally do believe that if he isn't removed from staff, then he needs a strike. If he HAS been removed and staff restricted, it needs to be extended as OP said.
  3. Yes but bans are backtracked via SteamID. Regardless if it says NULL or not, there is still a log where a person is banned. You can take any STEAMID posted in ban appeals or warn appeals and find every piece of track record a player has by that information. If you look in the screenshot above ^^^^^^ You will see that he was banned by NoOne, who was the name of a former HoS (this guy was banned when he was Super Admin I believe) Regardless of the fact, a SteamID is like a fingerprint. It holds a lot of valuable information. Believe me. EDIT: Also, it's not classified as "NULL" his name was "Duck" when he was banned. @Sion
  4. NoOne didn't ban for just any reason as th3 mentioned. That guy had to be severely pushed to ban someone especially if it's a perma ban. Instead of saying that you had no idea what happened, why not explain WHY you were banned, and go from there. Or try to at least go that far In the meantime. -SUPPORT
  5. Aw ? You can't leave. Also, I FEEL THE LOVE HERE LOL
  6. Yesssss, join the dark side >:)
  7. We used to have another drug system. It was Meth. It caused so many issues with the server it was unreal, so my opinion is going to stay at "no" in terms of another drug on the server. Really to be honest, there are plenty of ways to be arrested, just everyone decides to shoot their way out of a situation vs actually complying and go to jail. I personally believe that everything is fine the way that it is now with Weed and Illegal minors.
  8. I'm sure this has been mentioned before, if not well then here. Noticed a LOT here recently that models tend to break after having hands up (F6) and dying while hands are still up. Models being broken tend to be a range of legs being bent backwards, to entire bodies leaning to one side. Sometimes having the player killed fixes this, other times killing them just makes it worse.
  9. Requesting Defcon 0 to this post. Nuke it and it's entire exsistance
  10. Reminds me of the time I ran into a guy with 110 warns. +SUPPORT
  11. -SUPPORT Walking away in cuffs is so bad lol. If you're surrounded, and attempt to walk away while in cuffs? That's FailRP. Just as Willy said, I have had several calls involving this. You should be reading the rules, not them. For someone who supposedly reads the MOTD so often, you messed up on this one bud.
  12. Technically, he can especially if it's for false reasons or reasons deemed to be false.
  13. What even is this? If you want this to be dealt with or talked about, you need to go to O5. -SUPPORT
  14. But why have his friend do it instead of making another account?
  15. I feel like this is an alt account to be entirely honest.
  16. +/- SUPPORT To be clear on the first end of things, I will be 100% (this has nothing to do from earlier btw) I do feel like you would be a good staff member on the front end of things. Meaning I feel that your maturity level can be great and over time, would be even better in the sense of how you handle situations. In staff, they don't look for people who can be overly provoked, more over they look for people who can be really good with other people and be willing to listen to everything that someone has to say, including multiple people. As for question 15, try to be a little more elaborate in terms of specifics. Try to explain why you'd want the position rather why you feel that you should have it. Also make it 150 words. Question 16 is a little different. It ranges in all forms of answers. At first glance, it seems like you wouldn't care (not saying you wouldn't care in general, it's just a first impression type thing), but afterwards you move in the right direction. I personally wouldn't mute someone, but each to their own. 10,000 second minges need to be handed out in the event of something like this, so keep that in mind. With you having short term memory loss, keep in mind that everything needs to be remembered up front and it stays for long term. So, IF accepted, you need to be trained thoroughly enough to remember everything. Hands on would be your best approach (you even said so yourself). Also, you forgot a poll. I would keep those in mind if this does get denied. If accepted, then make sure everything is followed as stated. GOOD LUCK!!!!
  17. -SUPPORT I dont believe you should be unbanned. There was a few times where I had some issues with you on staff. But going back to what th3 said This definitely puts the icing onto the cake. IF you were to be unbanned, then I would be happy with all whitelists removed with the exception of both D-Class and Researcher. That's the only thing I would agree to you being unbanned on.
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