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~ vσxιs ~

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Everything posted by ~ vσxιs ~

  1. +SUPPORT This is coming purely from the heart and not because you're a friend. So, bare that in mind. I am + supporting this because I do think you're fit for staff, in the end, there are a few things I think you need to work on. Your activity on the forums definitely need to have some work. The application is strong in some parts, but lacking in others. I do feel that you'd make a great addition to the team in terms of what you can offer because everyone has to start somewhere and when they do they normally don't have everything perfect on their first application. So in my HONEST opinion, I personally think your activity as a whole needs to be better on the forums so you can show that you really want this. Make sure that on a future reference you take all of rookieblues advice and be careful about what kind of situation you might be involved with in terms of the MassRDM and Cursing at you scenario. I do honestly believe that you have what it takes 100% to be a staff member and I could even help you if you have questions or difficulties involving certain situations. GOOD LUCK!!!!
  2. +SUPPORT I remember Garth, and I never would have any bad problems from him. When I was staff the last time he was the friendliest person I could remember. We all have heated moments that we do eventually regret regardless of what the outcome was in the end. I personally believe that he deserves to have another chance to come around and play again because he clearly shows he is super sincere on his apology. This is a rare case of someones unusual actions caused a punishment that he regretted im sure immediately. Good luck Garth!
  3. It's actually a rule in the MOTD that they cannot be in a pursuit unless it's for 100% valid RP reasons.
  4. -SUPPORT Reasons above ^^^
  5. Im gonna wait to hear his side (because there are always 2 sides to the story regardless of how much prrof is there)
  6. +/- SUPPORT Good application Dedicated to his rank Inactive from what I have seen before I feel that maybe your activity should be a little higher? I mean I can't say much because I'm not in the game all too much but in the times I have been in the game I have only seen you on two or three times max. However, I do think you're a great person and should have a spot at Senior Admin and its entirety. However, the activity part I would personally fix if this is something you really and truly want. GOOD LUCK!!!
  7. +SUPPORT Well versed in rules Active Application all around looks really well put together I would honestly say aside from those factors alone, I would get more active both in the game and on the forums. A very common instance with people wanting to become staff with a low amount of time applied to the server (less than one month) typically go inactive and ultimately end up being removed in the end. If you do get accepted, I want to see you on as much as humanly possible not only on the forums, and in game, but also in the teamspeak as that will be your primary form of communication with people. With that being said I do + support this application in its entirety. GOOD LUCK!!!
  8. +SUPPORT This is a really good application. He's very well versed in staff, really knowledgeable, and all around a nice person. I seriously think he deserves a chance at Senior Admin as he is qualified to fit the position and fit it well. He puts a lot of work into a lot of the things he does. Good luck to you man, I hope to see you on Senior Admin team!
  9. +SUPPORT FailRP at it's finest. Bragging got you caught. Case is open and shut just like that.
  10. +SUPPORT Chief, Nimo. I like you two a lot. I really and truly do. But c'mon. I think verbal warnings are fine in this situation as a strike or a warning in general is too extreme (even though they ABSOLUTELY know better in the first place) NOTE: I didn't see this in time to see that it was handled in game so just ignore this (unless im wrong then keep it)
  11. -SUPPORT If you did in fact player diss, then your warning is valid (which I am seeing entirely here) and if I am understanding right, telling staff to "Piss off" and that "They are the reason the server isn't fun" is just unacceptable regardless of how it's viewed. If A is true, and the staff sit ended, then I do not believe your minge was valid. But if B is true, and the staff sit was not finished then it was then a valid minge due to your LTAP. Also, this is more of a warn appeal instead of a staff report as stated before. I'm simply giving an outside perspective on the situation. Also ALSO, try not to argue on appeals regardless of what is said by other players. A simple + or - support is enough to suffice these types of situations. Even if it was okay to call another persons dad "gay" it's normally best to not say stuff like that in general. If staff says "Don't do that" then it's probably best that you just don't do it anymore and go about your way. As far as him not handling the sit properly, from what im understanding, he did just fine. My opinion will stand and it will not be changed.
  12. -SUPPORT In a lot of the cases, staff reports of this nature are made of spite and anger. This particular case is a little different due to the fact that he had probably mis-understood a lot of things, and he is also on a completely different timezone (yes I will use that in this case) and it was more than likely super late for him and he was tired (which isn't really an excuse but i'll elaborate in a second here) A strike isn't really needed as such, because events such as this don't warrant anything besides a talking to. Strikes are mostly handed out in terms of the staff abusing, over punishing, or just not following orders. Again, in his case he more than likely was misunderstanding the entire thing. There is no physical video evidence so an appropriate answer to either side doesn't really matter in the end as of right now. As far as him saying "Don't worry about putting him in jail, his time is up" If jail time is appropriated into a sit, lets say you're putting someone into jail for 10 years and they have actually done something to warrant a sit in the process of being arrested, time done in the DOC can be adjusted or removed if a staff member deems fit (I have done it along with other staff members in the past) because it's pointless to waste their time with a sit then on top of that, throw them in jail for X amount of time. Everything on THAT particular side is fine in my eyes especially if it was longer than 120 seconds. As I said, it was more than likely a misunderstanding and should be left as such. (in my opinion)
  13. -SUPPORT Evidence is clear, I even explained in the game about how you were horn spamming, you called me petty, and had an attitude with me.
  14. Building outside of spawn in the parking lot is allowed, and the only Steve that I know of that could've banned you is a higher rank. I doubt that he would've banned you for a reason as small as that. I wanna hear his side of the story before I give any form of Support.
  15. +SUPPORT App is good Active in game (From what i've seen) Decent application, your last question could be better Your forums activity could definitely use some work but hey, we all start somewhere. We all make mistakes on our forums date (to my understanding he had an older forums account which is why he stated September of 2018 as his join date)
  16. I personally do not feel that a removal or strike is needed. I talked to Cameron earlier and it was an "In the moment" situation. I think an honest talking to will be the best for him. He sounded super sincere on his apology as he apologized to me, Gamik, Friendly Steve and Calamity. Give him another shot and let him attempt to redeem himself. We've all done things like this off duty before in a "in the moment" situation (don't lie) As I said. I think a very very stern talking to is honestly fine with me. But if he makes the mistake a second time, then a removal would be deemed appropriate. +/- SUPPORT
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