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~ vσxιs ~

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Everything posted by ~ vσxιs ~

  1. Hey man, I enjoyed you being O5. At least you're not leaving staff. I appreciate the fun times!
  2. ~ vσxιs ~

    Ban Appeal

    +/- SUPPORT While it may be true that you are remorseful. If I were you, if you REALLY and truly decided you wanted to come back into the community, you would make an effort to appeal what warnings you have. As it stands at the current moment, you have 50 warnings. Typically perma bans stay until you can get below 40 warnings (unless the value of your actions is at play). So, get started on warn appeals if you actually want to come back.
  3. +SUPPORT To be entirely honest, this guy has no intention to care about any of the rules nor does he have any intention of changing. From the looks of it, he's just digging a bigger and bigger hole.
  4. 106 SWEP is sending people to D Block instead of the Pocket Dimension. Had a call about someone being in D Block but then had it tried on myself and it turned out that it was the case.
  5. What's the warning you had for posting links to inappropriate websites in chat? Also the staff diss and everything that happened the day of your ban?
  6. Yknow what. You're right. Changing to a +SUPPORT
  7. -SUPPORT I think your warning is well deserved. Learn some respect and maybe things like this wouldn't happen. Also, you didn't follow the format.
  8. This simply shows that a warn was 100% acceptable here. It's staffs discretion. -SUPPORT.
  9. NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! Bro why you do this to me? ?
  10. -SUPPORT I don't feel like you should be staff. Not after what happened before. You did something because of impatience, how do I know you wont do it again?
  11. +SUPPORT Regardless of what our past is, it's good to see you trying to come back! I wish you luck!
  12. Well. I will hold you to your word. Changing to +/-SUPPORT.
  13. I never made the comment of you not being truthful for anything. All im saying is people in this same situation claim to have changed so much when in reality, they've changed nothing at all and are just looking for an excuse to come back. Now, this being said, I was gone when you got banned. I wasn't really around in that time however, from seeing the reason why and considering who it was against I can see that it was pretty harsh all together. I'm no longer on PoliceRP so I can't really say I can vouch on how you were before you were banned other than I had numerous issues with you. If you really and truly have changed and this gets accepted, I would like to see how you are now vs back then. Just what gets me asking questions is what changed between now and then? Were you not mature enough to know the wrong doings then? Did you not care? Time will tell in the very end if this is accepted. Again, if its accepted I would like to see and to hope that you prove your word because I take people pretty harshly when they say they have changed. I hold them to their word.
  14. -SUPPORT Post your actual SteamID and not what you have currently. Because I promise that you wasn't banned for slight player diss. After finding your actual SteamID I found this: Mass RDM, 'My balls haven't dropped yet' SMT Diss// 'Just ban me' 'Hurry up with that ban' Perm| can appeal You also don't have much effort in this appeal. Edit: I warned you twice last year myself and even further, you had a span of receiving multiple warnings at a time, such as 4 or 5 at any given time. What makes me believe that you wont do the same thing as you did before in the past?
  15. -SUPPORT Your lack of self sympathy is rather bad in this. Considering your ban and the server diss at a degree such as this is pretty disgusting all around. If you really want to be unbanned, you'd actually make it sound like you cared instead of making it sound like you were bored of other servers just to come back here. If you want to really come back, put more effort into this appeal, because as of right now, you're not helping your case at all.
  16. So, I made a thing in photoshop and I figured that you guys might want to use it as a wallpaper if you like it enough ? Resolution is in 1920 x 1080. 4 different colors: Purple, Blue, Red, Turquoise (https://imgur.com/a/WB5CDrW) Green: https://imgur.com/a/YIibQli I can make these other colors, but keep in mind it would take a little more time and the outcome may not be exactly the same in the final side. Basically im saying if you want a sharper color, it wouldnt look the same as it does in these current ones (in terms of blur effects and lighting)
  17. Of course im going to be biased towards my own work ? Went from showing Bread how to work PS to being a background for weapon icons. Im impressed!
  18. There was an issue where someone was banned by mistake because of the wrong SteamID. Lets give it some time and see what plays out.
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