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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by gamikzone

  1. I'm glad you're staying. Your a solid fbi member and will be a beneficial contribution to us.
  2. You should definitely apply, apps will close on 11/30
  3. We have 2 open spots for DEPUTY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. We are looking for motivated and active FBI members to fill this spot. You must be SUPERVISORY SPECIAL AGENT OR SAIC to apply. Please fill out this Application correctly to be considered for a spot in FBI low command. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1U5ohbGKL6FzzhW4PAdkeSW6gWLUa30LVJEYegVp160A/edit?usp=drivesdk
  4. Thanks everyone, I am glad to be part of SRT
  5. Denied: You were blacklisted by IA for corruption. You will not be whitelisted.
  6. +Support -Voxiis was a great member of the staff team he was very active and helpful towards the community. - Yes it was not the best idea to do what he did but I think lesson was learned here.
  7. +Support -Clearly a mistake - It happens to the best of us
  8. -SUPPORT - I Don't think we need staff ratio back due to the fact that it caused more issues than it solved. - We had staff team members leaving the staff team because every time they connected to the server they had to jump on staff due to being under ratio. - When there is a influx of staff calls I usually step in and help out or let other staff members know to get on for 10 minutes or so. - Our staff members should be trusted enough to get on staff when needed or when they are requested to. - Some days there will be 40-50 people on the server with maybe one call every 15 minutes. - We need to focus on staff members activity first before we can decide on what we should do next.
  9. +Support -Massive Disrespect towards SRT and some players. -Seems to be causing unneeded jssues.
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