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Everything posted by gamikzone

  1. October what this guy is trying to say is he misses when me and you used to go undercover all the time and bust people.
  2. -Support Evocity is a medium sized map more fit for DarkRP. I believe if we change the map we should get an updated version of Rockford.
  3. +SUPPORT Regardless of the situation you still broke the staff handbook. As a staff member you are required to read the staff handbook. Therefore you must be aware of the staff rules and must be held accountable to your actions. Next time just get his name and call staff, as long as you have the name the minge can be tracked down.
  4. Sorry to hear, you will be missed. Big Jake CWOFT
  5. +Support I dealt with the issue last night of Laureline was hiding in a corner and appeared to be in the wall. Bobby brought it to my attention and I told her this is not allowed and gave her a verbal warning for prop abuse. It was in a way prop block because the fading door had no keypad. I don't know why you would continue to do it when you know it was not allowed and I spoke to you about it.
  6. Our golden days of fbi special agents
  7. Well it is official October and I have been in the Gaminglight community for 1 year now! I would like to thank everyone who has helped me get to where i am. I enjoy this server and this community and am excited for what the future holds for me. In 1 year I have really got my love back for GMOD.
  8. We are not doing a tac unit
  9. It has been a few months since we have last had a role call. I will be performing this role call due to members in the FBI roster with inactive or unknown status. Please Respond by 10/5 or you will be removed from the FBI Roster. Follow this Format: In-Game Name: SteamID: FBI Rank: Are you on the FBI Roster?:
  10. Yes he has threatened to report me as well for warning him. -Support
  11. They should not ban them. I don't like the taste of them though I prefer vaping.
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