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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. What you want to see? - This in-car radio addon to be added. Why should we add it? - This could be used for RP in many ways and can be good to keep players from being as bored at times. This also makes it more realistic. What are the advantages of having this? - Fun, can enable some other types of RP such as small parties, could keep hostages quieter, etc. Who is it mainly for? - Citizens (not PD as they could get distracted) Links to any content -  https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/wyozi-car-radio Users can't decide what songs they play, there's set radios with song rotors on them. Users can only choose which channel they listen to. SMT can also set what channels are available and I believe they can also set what songs are played on the channels.
  2. It would be great to have some RP but a new Serious RP server may not take off. The RP Levels on PRP currently have dropped by a huge amount since about 6 months ago.
  3. -Support This could be used to put entities in out of reach places, could be used to abuse such as prop push, could be placed in such a way that it is impossible to access it unless owner of it.
  4. +Support Same should happen to the Bearcats as they are armoured vehicles
  5. Another one? What happened to the last two?
  6. -Support This would lead to a lot of abuse, people would report non PD for tazer rush, people would think they're undercover FBI, it wont work well.
  7. -Support This would most likely lead to everyone who's wanted to report the officer for RDM or random arrest. In real life, officers have facial recognition and car number plates that they can see for wanted people. Neither of these are in game, it's gonna be hard to RP out a guy that's just mass killed a bunch of cops.
  8. +Support For PD as well. It would probably affect PD the most as newer players don't have as much money and end up wasting loads of it on ammo.
  9. I mean making it so it instantly activates would mean a lot of false panics and would lead to Major issues so I'm gonna go with a -Support
  10. You can only jailbreak at DOC, the point I made is that it would cause criminals to raid the PD to get to the court house
  11. Denied Activity on PD & Performance on PD needs Improvement.
  12. Accepted Please Speak to High Command within the next 48 Hours! Also please try to put some more effort into your application next time.
  13. Accepted Please Speak to High Command in Teamspeak Within the next 48 Hours!
  14. Denied Activity, Maturity & Performance needs Improvement.
  15. Accepted Please Speak to High Command in Teamspeak Within the next 48 Hours!
  16. Accepted Please Speak to High Command in Teamspeak Within the next 48 Hours!
  17. -Support I believe this would cause criminals to make a reason to raid PD just to get to court, PD is a KOS area and anyone going to court will just be killed. I think that room could be put to some better use as well such as a training room for cadets.
  18. Denied Please actually read the application template and put some effort into finding where to post this. You may re-apply when you have less than 20 warns.
  19. What happened to the app you posted just before this one?
  20. You'd need to find a lot of people to be willing to actively sit there and talk for a few hours straight. Police high command have noticed this issue but it doesn't seem like dispatch is going to go anywhere in the future.
  21. +Support Could enable some good RP
  22. What you want to see? - This design for the big empty room on the second floor of PD. Also for the command car dealer and spawn to be moved to the garage. Why should we add it? - would make sense as the garage can be used for the Command car spawn and this room will have a use. What are the advantages of having this? - Dedicated training area, proper PD Garage use. Who is it mainly for? - PD & Cadets Links to any content - Plan of Idea for 2nd Floor Room
  23. what happens when the 4 overall commanders of SWAT & SRT arent online and its just PD or low ranking people?
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