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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. why would you be warned for interrupting a crime scene? its an RP punishment, not OOC Staff Punishment
  2. We do need a valid steam ID though. Use https://steamid.xyz/
  3. Accepted Please Speak to High Command 1 Week assessment period based on activity,
  4. Denied Activity Needs Improvement Please Re-apply in 1 week
  5. Accepted Please contact High Command
  6. Denied Application needs a lot more effort, Forum activity needs increasing. You did advertise your app, but ill let you re-apply in 1 week.
  7. Please check you application for spelling and grammar errors. Also please put more effort into it instead and tell us why you should be in command, rather than just telling us your backstory.
  8. The innmates are the players you take to jail, what would be good though is if they switched to an inmate model after being jailed with the jailer NPC, if possible. As for innmates being a separate class, how are we gonna get people to change jobs, comply with us and jail them on their new job with no implications?
  9. There is a difference between your personal opinion and true fact of the server.
  10. Not needed, if anyone needs a SGT they can just join the channel your already in. Besides, there's too many people too give a password to.
  11. If you are under a felony stop/have background of fleeing/SRT think your a dangerous/wanted suspect spike strips and other measures can be used
  12. I believe ARU time counts towards PD time from what I've heard when talking with other ARU members
  13. +Support This would be great for those willing to roleplay investigations properly and not having to buy their way into the department.
  14. *OMG HELP 20 OFCS RUNNING DOWN THE ROAD WITH LMGS!!!!* Not gonna go down well Unless you can set the lockers to allow certain guns for certain ranks, -Support
  15. After being revived by EMS, NLR does not count as you'd remember what's happened. If you don't get revived by EMS, you can't go back as your in a "new life"
  16. OBS is alright but can sometimes lag your PC a little
  17. License plates lagged or crashed some people's games when they were in, but an MDT would be good as long as it doesn't cause too much lag. If you could provide a link to an police computer system, that would be great.
  18. Here's the issue, hundreds of people aren't gonna go out and buy good recording software or use free ones that lag your games, most don't even know how to screenshot evidence. If you can provide evidence of your innocence, bring it up with court/command/staff but otherwise there will literally be no arrests even if you force people to get evidence, it takes at least 10 minutes to upload videos anyway.
  19. He will be doing those when he wants.
  20. Snar said in the meeting that he currently does not see anyone fit for the rank as of yet, but Cole will be leading state for now due to him being Major.
  21. Either that, or if your in a lambo or bearcat smash into them and make them fly ? jk although I may have done this once or twice before..........
  22. 1 PSVR headset 2 PSVR Controller 3 Marvel's Spiderman 4 Steam Money and GL money ?
  23. I've got more to do, don't worry. If you wanna request any in particular, add me on steam with comment for adding and I can talk to you about it there [GL] Unkn0wn_F1R3
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