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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. Accepted Please speak to me in Teamspeak!
  2. -Support I don't really see the point of this, the max jail time anyone can get is 30 minutes and that's only from PD Command, there would be no point in putting people on probation unless we were to increase jail sentences to hours, which most likely will not be happening.
  3. Name: Bob Bob Rank: SGT Callsign: XR13 Reason I should stay: although I may not be the most active, I love helping out in CI and it is one of my favourite parts on the SCP server. Concerns:
  4. Accepted Please Speak to Dane & Bob Bob In Teamspeak! (got perm from Snar)
  5. Where's there? The only thing that I've seen SMT do was let you spawn a car from the FBI dealer
  6. Don't Custom Classes correspond to your PD rank and don't class as Tac Units? At least that's what is says in the custom class format It also says you can only use the cars you would have access to if on your PD rank.
  7. You've been a great department leader, role model and an amazing person in this community. We will miss you and hope you still play from time to time ?
  8. What you want to see? - the button limit being raised to at least 3 to match the fading door limit Why should we add it? - matches the fading door limit of 3, would make more sense and is good for basers. What are the advantages of having this? - can have 1 button per door, people who like to build quick exits in there bases can do this with 3 doors, the 3 fading doors may all be shooting windows (I do this for DOC Sniper towers) Who is it mainly for? - basers and people who like to build a lot Links to any content - N/A
  9. +Support It would be more worth it for criminals and newer people to the server
  10. I would have done that but by the time I saw this post I want able to go on my PC in time
  11. Would need more context like what else you want with the logo, fav colour etc
  12. Would need integrating for GL / ask people who make skins here in the community to make a GL one
  13. Does that for me as well, all other weapons are fine though
  14. Name: Bob Bob Rank: SGT Reason for not attending (put private if private): Timezone puts it in a time i cant attend any concerns within CI: people keep asking for promotions
  15. +/- Support I mean it could be alright, bit I could see it bringing up a lot of issues with NLR.
  16. Sargent? You can't apply for any rank under LT. Denied
  17. Those are the ones that a lot of PD Command members like but they don't have a go logo on them
  18. We're not alloud to see it unless you give us access
  19. ARU time counts towards PD time.
  20. I'd have to agree with that, even when he's he's not pretending to AFK he sometimes argues about going on duty
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