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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. Accepted Please speak to me(Bob Bob) in TS soon
  2. Denied Overall Performance and Attitude need working on
  3. I playback older series and I like these few Grimm, Marvel's agents of shield and starwars the Clonewars.
  4. Maybe have it as an appliable rank or that you can access terrorist weaponry for a very high price but I don't think you'd have terrorist attacks every 15 minutes in real life, in the exact same city, every day. +/-Support
  5. Please provide correct steamID, doesn't start with STEAM_1
  6. -Support Do you regularly see people robbing gas stations using LMGs in real life?
  7. I believe that 1 gas per 3 criminals would be fair since gas can take up to around 80hp off each criminal in the duration that 1 gas canister lasts. Also being specially trained in gas usage could also be good aswel so that people who have access to it know how and when to strategically use gas whilst also not making people angry at the amount of gas used.
  8. Unkn0wn_F1R3


    well its quite a nice one and took a big build so youd have to come to me in game to inquire about it (Bob Bob E)
  9. Unkn0wn_F1R3


    I have a gun dealer base, a PD killroom thing, a GL Logo and s GL badge/flag that are mostly the ones worth anything.
  10. +Support Donor mod warned you instead of an OFC named John since your name had John in it, donor mod should come here and explain what happens but I don't think anyone knows their forum name.
  11. What happened to the app you posted about an hour before this one?
  12. +/-Support Although it could be good to have, it would give criminals an excuse to evade jail time and just get themselves killed instead.
  13. I would gladly help bring this back to life. Bob Bob
  14. Congrats! Ive been actively here now for about one and a half years
  15. -Support to all of them. They're unneeded and if anything will cause mass minging placing things around, minimaps would lag, ladders already had a post about not using it from SMT. We don't need police badges for PD jobs as well, look at their shirt.
  16. That seems like a good idea, would just need something to register head shots.
  17. +Support It would increase roleplay by a lot, in real life if you are medically revived you would end up going to jail even after your injuries have healed.
  18. +Support Would be nice but maybe limit it to something like 30 characters do they're no huge
  19. My 1 hour built flag (Deputy Chief Bob Bob 1K51) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1514262941 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1514305696
  20. I tried to make one on my keyboard... https://drive.google.com/file/d/19M-ei5D1fYyssngHKjboL0RqWBjdNvAr/view?usp=drivesdk
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