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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. If it keeps happening they could arest you for disorderly conduct or suspicion of public intoxication but they shouldn't really give you a sentence for throwing a water balloon at them(unless it does damage)
  2. I think it should be changed back, especially with the no arrest after death rule. +Support
  3. I could break down a door in app opposite spawn with a full mag from a negev but dunno if you still can
  4. Unless you provide links to content containing what you are trying to suggest, not much can happen from it as I'm pretty sure SMT aren't gonna go join other servers just to have a look at their mdt system then spend half an hour trying to look for an add-on for it.
  5. Use the format and provide links to content you would like added, saying you want something isn't gonna help if you don't show us what you want.
  6. 'Man in giant hamster ball gone rogue... Run over and bounced away'
  7. I have been police actively for 13 months... Where's my certificate?
  8. No one acctually follows these on the server, we have the MOTD not the entire lawbook of America xD
  9. Unkn0wn_F1R3


    If you were following people around or repeatedly asking people to talk to you, that can be considered mingjng. If you do wanna be a news reporter, don't go round following people or repeatedly asking them questions.
  10. We'd need some kind of fire mod to spawn around the map but most of them cause lots of lag. If you can find a lag free mod that has fire in it, I'd +Support but currently there's not much that a fire department could do. +/-Support
  11. I've heard some bad things about them and even seen it myself, one of their members even started having a go at a staff member who accidentally put a PM message in OOC. From what I've seen, all they do is mess around and don't take RP seriously.
  12. Nearly at 100 rep and over 600 posts 0.0
  13. I'm from UK, go to a school here and enjoy gaming, fishing, gokaeting/quadbiking and going airsoft/paintballing(paintball costs too much tho)
  14. Call high command to get their mobile command center and ram them out of the way for good........ Or call normal PD to remove them from the middle of the road
  15. Trainers should link you the 10 codes and other required posts as it's part of their requirements when training someone.
  16. use printscreen, f5 or take a snap on your phone or any other thing that can take pics
  17. Accepted you will be placed under a one week assessment period to make sure activity is up to standards.
  18. Denied Activity & Performance Need Improvement
  19. Accepted Activity could still do with some improvement. you will be placed under a one week assessment period to make sure activity is up to standards.
  20. Denied Activity needs improvement. It's Sergeant btw
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