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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. -Support From what I can understand, this rule would make it so we get very very little pursuits or much rp after traffic stops, also honestly, how many people will stick to these rules?
  2. +/-Support Although it may be good in roleplay, it would need to be hard to get as if you let someone who just joins server for their first time get one, they might just go drive to spawn and blow everyone up there. For bomb squads you'd also probably need a different sub department for maybe SWAT as if you have people from all over different tac units it would be hard to work togesther.
  3. Accepted you will be placed under a 1 week probation period to Dane's Request.
  4. Unkn0wn_F1R3

    Sull LT App

    Denied Activity & Performance need improvement
  5. Denied Activity & Effort needs improvement
  6. -Support It takes about 15 minutes for some people to load the server where their client is in game but they are still loading add-ons, doing this will make it so a lot of players are unable to even join the server. Also, some players come into situations where they can't/aren't allowed to move such as hostage situations etc.
  7. -Support With the time it takes to join the server, when players have to go for lunch, dinner etc, it would get very annoying for people to repeatedly have a black screen with everything dissapeared and gone.
  8. -Support the new radio is a lot more realistic but could do with some changes such as you need to hold it out to talk, but the old radio is broken and this one is way cooler.
  9. +Support it is really annoying when someone just changes their name to kill a few cops transporting a prisoner and then changing name back again
  10. What kind of things are you looking for?
  11. Shooting the negotiator after they give you money is considered FailRP in my eyes, you'd have to ask a higher staff though
  12. If you shoot the negotiator after receiving money and releasing the hostage you shouldn't really shoot them as they met your commands
  13. We are currently working on some new rules and probably getting more trainings scheduled soon but wed need some more low command that are willing to work together at scheduled times with their timezones, eg we have enough people for EST and GMT hosted times but wed like more people to help out for all people in their own timezones to have a chance to be in a training + we're bringing in more harsher punishments on all ranks I also really think changing the no arrest after revived rule back would make a huge difference in roleplay and even if we tried it for a few days, I think it would make a drastic effect on increasing RP, if it was re-implemented
  14. This has already been made by 2 other people...
  15. Can you tell us negatives for criminals when they RP with police? If we encourage more RP, maybe it won't happen as often
  16. Post this in the Police subforum or suggestions, as high command we don't want this as they need to learn the basics of PD before moving into radio and we don't want new people screaming down radio or using incorrect codes the first time they join the server. This is also so OFCs have to go on a ride along so that they can respond with an SNR+
  17. I agree on this, there was a very big change in criminal attitudes and rp after this rule was brought into effect
  18. The server is PoliceRP, if we made people apply, where's the police? Where's the whole aim of the server gone? By trainings I'm talking about server wide PD trainings that high command host 1-2 times every week, if we made entrance training too hard there wouldn't be any PD.
  19. And who says serious RP HAS to be 2 hour jail times with waiting for 15 mins whilst dead? Where does it say seriousRP has to be exactly like that? We're looking for proper roleplay instead of just jailrp, serious RP can be up to 30 min jail time as it is now, only have to wait 5 mins, don't have many fail bases, no cnstant mass shootouts instead of anyone doing any roleplay, may even acctually be able to talk to a criminal without being shot.
  20. -Support Decent App Haven't seen in game much/atal Inactive on Forums Replied to own app Q15 was/is mostly wrong Good Luck!
  21. It looks kinda all right but does it have a place for all departments to base and sufficient housing for 40 different players at one time? Also from the images of the map it doesn't look very big. Requires an extra 3 add-ons aswel.
  22. Where does it say we're gonna do that? That would just ruin the game altogether
  23. In my opinion PD is one of the best departments as everyone starts off with it and gains experience in it. Without PD, no of the other departments except FBI exist. I still like state tho because it is a more RP PD kind of with more traffic stops and stuff like that
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