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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. This is quite an issue, maybe add some text for when your unconscious saying something along the lines of "Max EMS wait-time is 5mins, please be patient."
  2. I agree, we're trying our best with PD trainings and coming down harder on unprofessionalism in PD, but we still get little to no RP out of anything. I think that this could be affected quite a bit by the revive rule where you can't be arrested after being revived. This increased the amounts of shootouts and decreased RP a lot overall. We're also working on official quizzes and official trainings to be hosted at least once a week for all PD. As for other departments, they all have quite a lot of people but you may not see them very often. It would only take a couple rules to change to make a big difference and to increase roleplay as a whole.
  3. Where would all department bases and training areas be? We need a very big area for training.
  4. ^^^ Forum activity could do with some improvement
  5. +/-Support Active in game Low warns Decent knowledge of server rules Application needs more effort Word count not met
  6. +Support Active in game Nice guy Has a good knowledge for server rules Other above reasons
  7. the warns have 2 different reasons... it looks like you started disrespecting and threatening him after he warned you the first time, but we'd need Robby's side of the story.
  8. Could you link the map? We'd also need lots of space to drive around
  9. armour has been decreased on most classes, more so on high command. also can this be closed/deleted now as the update has now happened
  10. Can you tell me which parts are OP? Low command are fine
  11. High Command loadouts have been based off of other departments low command/standard officers. High Command loadouts currently are as they are as high command take command of high priority situations/major crime situations if needed and we'll, should be the first ones dying when they're supposed to be giving out orders. I've put AWPs on as I and other high command generally use them quite often and well it also costs a lot for us. As high command we also host/command a few situations that require these forces. Other departments such as SWAT have several classes some for snipers, breaching or pointman but we don't get anything like that so we have a short,mid and long range weapon + sidearm and shotgun. The reason we have added is MP5's is it's an easier way to control officers shooting without spending our lives hosting training after training. MP5s aren't very op so the only "op" classess would be high command. Saying that, it's only the most of 5 out of a few thousand people that have this status and equipment in PD. The first draft was a lot more op but we posted it to public to see their opinions on the topic.
  12. Ive Created a Second Tab for Weapon Codes Snar https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SC80reuokvgu-P47Wcre6pP-1elObBtwiBnhoZE_M_w/edit?usp=sharing
  13. As PD high command, I'm saying your Kos past the gate, on PD roof, fence and inside any part of PD.
  14. We've based high command loadouts off of other departments low command loadouts with the KF2 as our standing out sidearm. PD high command are the role models to pretty much everyone else on PD so shouldn't be constantly dying all the time, PD high command are also the same ranks as all other departments second in command/commander and higher. It's basically impossible to train about 2000 people to use a P90 properly with regular trainings for them all, we want to switch to the MP5 because it's got better accuracy but slightly lower damage with a lower clip size. Same goes for survival rates, we can't regularly train 200 people everyday. If you think about it, PD mainly die due to people not RolePlaying traffic stops or doing PD raids or just wanting to get involved with police, PD cant stop this from happening, they're told not to go into raids that tac units are involved in but we can't stop them from pursuits or even arresting people as then there would be nothing for then to do. We're talking about the weapons they spawn with, there's only ever 5 command at the most on at a time and those high command are supposed to be there to command people, not sit back do nothing or die. Our current loadouts are a Glock, maybe an mp5 or a P90 and either a Nova or an XM. High Command loadouts really need updating, if Snar feels any of it is too OP he will change it. I'm not trying to argue or anything, just want to point out issues with your points as there's always going to be issues with most points made by anyone. (Also removed some of the items that people would deem too OP)
  15. I don't know, you'd have to ask SRT and SWAT command as it's their choice who they let in/out
  16. Because PD is the core department, all other units branch off of PD and all units in other departments are part of PD. If your in PD but not in another department your under their juristiction if it's their base.
  17. They're KOS if they pass the gate meaning fence, carpark, PD and roof
  18. No you need a proper reason, you have team chat, radio or you could meet them somewhere else for that.
  19. PD can be in the base if necessary ie a suspect running from you has run in but PD shouldn't be going in without perm or reason to.
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