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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. +Support We would all benefit from this Been waiting for this ?
  2. There's currently about 30 unused addons, most of which are photon vehicle mods
  3. What would you like to see : This Addon for Halloween and Fireworks Would you THINK other(s) would like this idea : It has some nice props and fireworks that could be a limited time store buyable. Do you think this would still have some sort of role play that pertains to it (if not that's fine) : has lots of this such as sweets, pumpkins and cobwebs that fit in to the halloween season. Link(s) (if any) to any workshop items : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=784597026 Here's a Video showing off the addons (I didn't lag at all in game, recording seems laggy though)
  4. -Support If this was added, the class would get in the way of PD, get themselves killed and most likely won't follow SOPs. Maybe you could add a camera man, but not one that follows police chases, pulls random people over for no reason and runs into police raids.
  5. That post hasn't been accepted or denied yet, why not wait to see the result of that one before you post your own version of it?
  6. Who walks a lonely road? Who only has 1 friend and sucks their toes?
  7. -Support The format states you need 150+ words on why you deserve staff. Not seen very active in game Quite a few warns
  8. +Support Would be nice for a map change, also could be some more off road tracks or make the ravine have a little less water so trucks can drive all the way down it ?
  9. +Support Officers and the criminals in a pursuit instantly die whenever they try to perform a pit, speed is high or simply the everyday server lag. It is no fun for police or criminals as the police either die before they can even stop the criminal, are Soo low HP that they get 1 tapped, or the criminals die before they can stop the car. I like how there's damage for crashing but I believe it should be lowered by a lot because hitting a curn with your car isn't gonna take 40 hp away from you in real life.... Same goes for the bearcat and mobile command center.
  10. This is my first reply Idk what else to put
  11. What is your in-game name?: Deputy Chief Bob Bob 1K51 / Bob Bob E What is your steam name?: [GL] Unkn0wn_F1R3 What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:105614491 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I have been staff on multiple servers including Gaminglight PoliceRP, where i gained the rank of Moderator before resigning. I have been Senior/Super Admin on a large community and have helped manage staff and have helped run several other servers (Some of which were on different games). What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I Started Playing around January 2017, Actively Playing from around May 2017. What date did you make your forums account? 7th April, 2017 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server? 1 - FailRP Have you donated? Yes What rank are you applying for? Trial-Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes (Link bugged out when i transferred it to a google doc) Timezone: BST/GMT (BST is GMT+1 - for summer times) Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I Believe i should become a staff member for a variety of different reasons. I have had lots of experience on staffing and commanding people on several different servers. This can be shown through my current Deputy Chief rank and previous experiences i have had. I am very dedicated to the community and try to help out people and solve issues regarding PoliceRP players. I play on PoliceRP daily for quite a while and believe this is good because i can be online to help more people, more often with even more situations. I'm also active throughout the forums and Teamspeak, which i find is good as i can get to situations quickly and talk(type) to people if needed. I’m not going to go into too much detail of my past experiences, but I've staffed for several servers and have achieved high ranks. Doing so, i have gained a lot of experience and still wish to learn more. I am a loyal, hard working person who has put a lot of time and effort into achieving these ranks, and current ranks i hold. I have spent, and encouraged, others to spend money towards the server and have helped others achieve ranks that they may not have been able to achieve beforehand. I have a calm attitude and unbiased opinions when it comes to situations involving rule breaking for the server or different departments. I have personally experienced multiple situations where a staff member hasn't been online/present at the times of the day that i play on. If i were to become a staff member, i could actively help out during these times and ensure that rules are not being broken. I’ve met lots of people, made lots of friends and maybe some enemies but i enjoy playing and enjoy helping people, and will also try my best to take both sides of a situation to ensure proper action is to be taken. I can deal with situations professionally and can be strict if necessary, but will also have a laugh if it comes around. If i was to become a staff member, i would try and help as much as possible, offer any kind of assistance where necessary and actively be on hand for help. I am well known throughout PoliceRP and respect everyone else and their positions in the server. I try to keep the server a nice, positive place, keeping negativity and unnecessary things away. I believe i have the standards and the right attitude to become a staff member and the confidence to full-fill the duty of one. I have a very good knowledge of the rules of the server and necessary punishments for these rules. In my time being staff on this server before, i have enjoyed it and have worked hard to claim as many sits as i can and to help make this community a better place. I didn't want to make this application too long as i generally see that people get bored of reading large texts and build their opinion on the player themself rather than focusing on the application, although effort is a necessity. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would JailTeleport them to a roof / a safe location (!jailtp) and ask them about the situation. If they started to continuously curse at me, i would gag them and explain what the sit is about (!gag). I would then warn them for MassRDM / Staff Disrespect (If Necessary) / Appeal @Gaminglight.com (!warn). I would then ask a higher staff member to AntiMinge them for 10,000 seconds(!minge). If the disrespect gets out of hand / racism is involved, i may ask for a higher minge time. Thank you for reading my application and have a good day! -Bob Bob
  12. I see where your coming from for the price tag, but buying the teamspeak channel again theoretically means your buying a second teamspeak channel which may confuse some people.
  13. So you can buy single teamspeak channels for 20 credits, that can contain up to 5 people. I was thinking that adding another buyable option labelled along the lines of "Teamspeak Channel Upgrade" could be added. This would allow users to buy an additional 5 player slots for their personal teamspeak Channel. This would be beneficial as people who like to play with larger groups of friends or want to talk to more people in private can pay to increase the size of their channel. The price for this that I was thinking of would be somewhere along the line of 15 Credits. This would benefit the community as a whole as it adds income and I believe it doesn't affect anything except a member of SMT increasing a channels size. Thanks for reading and please answer the poll!
  14. You should ask/wait for perm to apply from high command before posting it, but you have my permission.
  15. Can you provide some reasoning for your -Support?
  16. We can't stop someone from shooting us unless we shoot back, there's no possible way of catching people who just sit there and shoot as they would call failRP for tazer rush or arresting someone whilst they are shooting. Unless someone acctually roleplays a situation out, 9 times out of 10 they end up dead with a few dead officers, we can't do anything but shoot back to try and save ourselves.
  17. He said he'd do one if he got manager ??
  18. I was playing on the server earlier today and when i spawned my mobile command centre in and unstuck it, i found out it was haunted. The server went through some spooky stuff as well. Here's a video: Edit: video (probably) on private cus I need to edit part of it out when I'm next on PC.
  19. Unkn0wn_F1R3

    SM RDM

    Is this real life? the server is Semi-Serious RP
  20. Unkn0wn_F1R3

    SM RDM

    Stealing or scrapping gov card can be considered a KOS action. I'm saying this from the Deputy Chief's point of view, I would have killed you or arrested you for a long time in this situation.
  21. Unkn0wn_F1R3

    SM RDM

    -Support Your not allowed to steal or scrap government vehicles, if it was in RP you'd be gunned down or arrested for a lot more than 10 years. If the PD took it up out of character, you would have most likely received a warning.
  22. Denied You require at least 1 week playtime as the SM job. About 1 week is not sufficient enough.
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