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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2018 in all areas

  1. + Support -Id come back with ARU
    6 points
  2. DENIED While Gaminglight as a community supports players and ideas from all countries, ethnicities, and cultures, PoliceRP as a server is designed and portrayed as an American server, with American departments only being available. It is silly to think that a once corrupt department lead is going to affect us from adding an entire department back. While this may influence our choices slightly, if we truly wanted to add a department back, we wouldn't do it just because of one factor, especially a factor as small as an individual. This is not stating that ARU was a bad department, because it wasn't. It was an amazing department with a good idea behind it, but the command who ran it made it entirely too biased and strict, causing for most of the people within it to leave, go inactive, or be removed due to simple mistakes. It is just not a good time in all aspects to add in another tactical department anyway. PoliceRP has too many as it is. If you have any further questions on the matter, you may PM me or meet me on teamspeak. [Best Regards, Snar, and the entirety of the PoliceRP SMT Division]
    3 points
  3. Hey guys, its been a heck of a year on GL, and its my 1 year anniversary on this server. I joined from this day 1 year ago and I just want to say, this has been a blast. I've had a lot of fun on PoliceRP, and I still do. I've also changed when I joined. I was confused, a little mingy when I first joined. But when I met my current friends , they taught me to improve and I have. I've made goals ever since I joined this community; I wanted to make friends with everyone, I wanted to a part of the staff team, and be a command member of a tactical team. All of these have been achieved, and I just want to say to SMT, thank you, as well as a thanks to all of my GL friends. You guys are awesome, and I will continue to be a part of this community. I don't plan on leaving GL for a very long time, so if anyone was worried, don't be, Lol. Anyway's its my 1 year anniversary, and I thank every member of SMT, my friends in GL, and the entire community as a whole for making me the person I am today!!! -MyanDaBeast
    2 points
  4. What you want to see? - Return of Armed Response Unit (ARU) as a department. Why should we add it? - All ARU vehicle skins and player models are already in-game on the server, meaning that it would not cost the community any money in adding to the server. What are the advantages of having this? - ARU should be added back for multiple reasons. One big reason is that it would attract more UK people to the server, increasing our player size and popularity. It would make it so the server would be more populated during BST time zones. Recently our UK player base has been decreasing over past few months and this new addition would be a good attraction for the server. The server is a semi-serious RP and we have many other liberties already in the server. For example; NSA patrolling the streets with MP5s going into shootouts and general store robbery's when in real life, they are not an law enforcement agency and wouldn't respond to calls. Other departments like BSI that are meant to be just a investigation unit are also responding to major crimes. This would not happen in real life, so having ARU on the sever is not much of a stretch. Although this is an American server, ARU was very popular in the past and many people joined the department. It offers something unique to American players with different vehicle skins and load outs and attracts more British people, giving the server more options to role play and have fun. PD have British vehicles and are regularly seen driving around with UK vehicle skins and sirens. EMS also use a UK NHS Ambulance and is often seen on the server. This shows that many people in the community are already open to the idea of having UK related content in the server. PD High Command (Kitty and Bob Bob) support that ARU should come back, which shows that those at high ranks think that the department would work and attract more players. Overall, to sum it up, ARU would increase the player base, attract more people from around the world, add more variety and chances for people to experience PoliceRP from different English locations and altogether, help the community grow. Many people have suggested this problem and support the idea of ARU being added back for the reasons listed above. Who is it mainly for? - The entire community Links to any content - Already in-game
    2 points
  5. Definitely don’t like the idea of having a british unit in america. How about compromise and make SRT into SRU and combine it into PD like ARU. Same rules and everything, but it’s american and fits into RP (if that’s even a thing that matters)
    2 points
  6. Ok I would like to make myself Korean police department is that something can I have it? Let not stop there. We should also have Australian too. Let add Chinese police department. Top it all off let have Mexican too. Oh, let add Saudi Arabia police forces. Let not forget British aren't only ones here. There are soo many people from different countries. I don't understand why strictly target British only. And I say it again. ARU is created by Valk, Valk was leader of ARU and overpowered them the high hell even though people massively complains about how overpowered they are. Trust me on this, the majority of people hate to see ARU even on the street.
    2 points
  7. + Support Would add variety to the server Helps attract new players from different locations in the worth Was very popular and will become popular Amazing idea
    2 points
  8. What you want to see? - Senior Moderators and above given the ability to Minge steam ids Why should we add it? - 1. I believe it should be added so you don’t have to Goto superadmins every time. 2. Makes sure people actually get there LTAP Minge if they do instead of us just giving empty threats What are the advantages of having this? - Makes it easier for people to be minged even if they leave the server all they gotta do is bring it to a senior moderator Who is it mainly for? - Senior moderators+ Links to any content - N/A
    1 point
  9. + Support Active Mature Helps officers and trains cadets Been LT for a long time Knows the rules and enforces them Good Application Professional on and off duty Deserves a promotion Good Luck!
    1 point
  10. The thing is, SRT is an existing division and we wouldn’t want to change anything about them. It’s a semi-serious RP server so not everything is perfect. Having a British department that people knew would attract old and new players. We understand where you’re coming from, but would love the opportunity to prove ourselves and to prove ARU was worth adding back. It’ll help grow, attract and give people not only American tac Unit opportunities but hopefully British too. Theres custom classes that aren’t American, multiple from all around the world. So basing the point around just it being an American server, doesn’t quite make sense. If this suggestion does get accepted, we won’t let the community down. We will fight and we will make it the best we can.
    1 point
  11. Can confirm being a tea lover.
    1 point
  12. Sure... @Josh H-Y. this does not mean you are going to leave SWAT if it gets added back...right? Please no....
    1 point
  13. Only problem we would have to remove a department we have too many
    1 point
  14. +Support Would add variety to the server Was very professional and well handled when command was running it Was very popular and a well known department We have a lot of British people on gaminglight so they would know more about ARU and would run so smooth Would be great to have this department back!
    1 point
  15. I kinda want this to be a gaminglight server wide thing due to the fact I sometimes run into this.
    1 point
  16. Agreed although the app could use a bit more effort
    1 point
  17. +Support Kinda active Respectful Application could use a bit more effort Forums account needs improving Good Luck!
    1 point
  18. +Support Active Mature & Respectful Application is well made Has been Senior-Moderator for a good amount of time Good Luck!
    1 point
  19. Major + Support -Active in-game/Forums/Teamspeak -Respectful -Helpful -Polite -Responsible -Awesome Application -Helped me several times -Has good Judgment skills
    1 point
  20. +/- Support -Barely seen you on. -Never seen you train a cadet. -Good Application -Seem responsible
    1 point
  21. +Support -Active -Low warns -Well done application
    1 point
  22. Major + Support -Very helpful -Kind to others -Active -Helps lower ranking staff -Trustworthy -Helped me in many sits
    1 point
  23. + Support Active Trustworthy Been moderator a while Deserves Senior Moderator!
    1 point
  24. + Support Amazing Friend Knows rules Active Deserves to be staff Good luck! ?
    1 point
  25. I understand my video was horrible and thanks for chad adding his proof
    1 point
  26. +SUPPORT Good Application Anger issues are down Traines cadets Knows the responcibilty good Good at his job LETS MAKE THIS HAPPEN
    1 point
  27. + Support Active Mature Deserves a promotion Knows the rules and enforces them Good application GOOD LUCK!
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. I would have banned you for twice as long. Don't be disrespectful and know who your audience is.
    1 point
  30. +Support Very active in-game. Very active in TS. Very professional, and mature. Friendly and nice, approachable. Assists and helps officers when they are in need. Good enough time to apply for Major. Fit for the rank, and deserves it. Very professional application, has a lot of effort in it. Overall, Hooplaa is fit for the Major rank! I see him doing exceptional work in PD, and we are currently lacking any Majors. Best of luck my guy! -Captain Matthew
    1 point
  31. Honestly, when you make skins feedback is the best thing to get. I would know since I also make skins [sorry if that sounds like bragging]
    1 point
  32. I like it, but I don’t think having the word run on that command evo is very encouraging for people to pull over lol Also I don’t know if this is possible, but if you could fit “Yield to lights and sirens” or something like that think it would be great since some people forget you have to do that.
    1 point
  33. I love the skins honestly a Change of Pace would be nice for the PD
    1 point
  34. You don't look twelve you look twelve and a half (jk nice)
    1 point
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