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[GL] Mike

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Everything posted by [GL] Mike

  1. Gh0pit you will always be a respected person In E11 and thank you for being a building block of the branch I am in. I will always remember MTF E11 SSGT Gh0pit.
  2. [GL] Mike


    You can bully gio
  3. Name: Michael [REDACTED] Height: 6 foot Age: [REDACTED] Weight: Roughly 170 lbs Backstory: Mike was found in an ally way claiming to be from [REDACTED] (known as the GOI church of the broken god) he was captured by a unit of MTF REDACTED for REDACTED. After extensive therapy and amnestics Mike knows where he is from but doesn't care for it anymore. As a Exp Tech. He made his way up the ladder and got to Tech Manager before resigning. Mike joined the Mobile Task Force unit Epsilon-11 "Nine Tailed Fox" on date REDACTED and got to the rank of Master Sergeant and then got trained for the specialized MTF unit REDACTED he then after some time joined back to the "Nine Tailed Fox" and got to 2LT and had to prove himself. He got Deputy Head Combat Engineer, and Epsilon-11 COL. He also has joined MTF specialized unit of- (The rest of the page is heavily Blurred) Next Page Reads: Mike is now in Nu7 after a transfer and he now leads the branch as a Commander and Oversees the HSU Specialty Unit. Other Notes: Mike is actually addicted to gambling and has lost thousands of dollars. Millions of Dollars and some enlisted.
  4. We are gonna miss you Beanz :C
  5. +Support People pay money to make CC's and Join CC's it's a waste of their money if you remove them. If people play on the job it shouldn't be removed.
  6. - Support For starters as Dr. Bright that researcher should not have been listening to you as I believe in their SOP it says they can lose their job for listening to Bright. Also Dr. Bright is KOS in HCZ/EZ and also you aren't allowed in EZ.
  7. What is your in-game name?: Mike What is your steam name?: [GL] Rezvortex24 What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:209339952 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I used to be staff on this server What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) April of 2019? What date did you make your forums account? August 24th 2019 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Bronze How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 0 Have you donated? Yes What rank are you applying for? Trial-Moderator Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes I have Timezone: PST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe I deserve TM because I am extremely interested in the server and im on almost every day I can. I have 4 weeks of total playtime and I follow by my MOTD and therefore have never been a problem for the staff that are on duty or a annoyance to the community. I have also been participating on other Gaminglight servers and have grown to love this community and wish to make it better by being able to help out not only Staff but be able to assist everyone in the community. I want people to not only have the same experience I have had but make it better for them. I also am very calm mind and I am great at talking to people to try and figure out the situation after I figure out what is happening I would then take the best course of action. I have a decent amount of time on the server and would love to be able to further enhance the great experience I have been having on this amazing server. By adding more people that can get rid of people ruining the experience for other people. Through my time I have met nice people on the server and wanna make sure that they have a great time. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would inform them that they are making the situation worse and warn them to stop. If they continue I would freeze the player and use the gag command to stop them from cursing at me. I would inform them what they are there for and what they have done wrong. I would then check logs to see how many players they have killed and then warn them for RDM times # and Staff Disrespect. I would then have a higher staff than me hand out the proper punishment for what that player did.
  8. It makes sense because authorized personal always say when they are coming even E-11 advert when entering so would any one else.
  9. Name:Mike Branch:Tech and Medical Rank:Engineer and Medic Rate Activity: Tech 9 Medical 5 Are you on the roster:Yes Suggestions: None
  10. So. We knew it would happen eventually and the first thing I would like to say my decision isn't driven by the new promotions and I am very glad for those two and they deserved that slot. I want to mention a few people before I say goodbye to this great branch and the people in it. @General Pure You made my time in Technical the best and I hope to see you again one-day and maybe in a higher position. @CanOBeanz You deserved that promotion for all you have done for this branch and I wish I could have been more active to experience more with you and I hope we can still remain friends. @CookieHugger21 Thank you for being an amazing DDOU and DOU during my time in Technical and I hope you continue running utility well. Finally this is to all of the Senior Techs, Experienced Techs, Technicians, and Junior Techs. I hope you all strive to get higher in this branch and you guys continue to remain active. Try to remain in this branch for a long amount of time and maybe you guys will make it further than even I could I love this branch and everyone in it... This is the end of my time in Tech.. Thank you for reading.
  11. Name: Rez Rank: RND AR Callsign: AR10 Activity: Active DiscordID#: Gogeta#7583 Suggestions (If None Leave Blank): What would you like to achieve in CI: Simply would like to achieve a leadership role in CI one day
  12. -Support The word "REDACTED" is literally saying you cant know what it is. Its an RP reason as well
  13. -support It gives CI their own "Tanky" Unit. It also has less HP than some jobs and Some more armor. I dont think it should be nerfed
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