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Mind Stone

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Everything posted by Mind Stone

  1. - Support Just don't have a weapon out. Theres a high chance if you have one out, you intend to do harm to another inmate or a foundation member.
  2. - Support Yeah... No. The reason the Security Trainer has a gun is to kill D Class in self defense. How would a trainer defend them self and their trainees if attacked? Staff aren't always on to deal with these situations. Also, please contact me (Head Field Training Officer) or a member of security HCDM first if you would like to discuss something getting changed about the FTO program. As for the trainee health, thats unnecessary.
  3. Sorry to see ya go. Its been fun playing with you. Feel free to go to purgatory and talk to us whenever you like. @CogsYou see that? JACK SAID I AM KING OF THE FURRIES HAHA.
  4. + Support Would love to see a branch update in the near future!
  5. Name: Mind Stone Rank: COL Date: 7-2-20 Duration of LOA: Will end 7-23-20 (3 weeks) Reason: Going to a funeral out of my state. Will be visiting family while there. Once I get back, I'll be ready to preform my duties. My DHFTO will be hosting all upcoming FTO meeting for the next 3 weeks. I'll still be active on discord.
  6. Name: Mind Stone Rank: COL Current FTO Rank: HFTO Current RCF Rank: ORCF Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): Out of all of the current security command, I have been here the longest. I have spent days on the server and during that time, learned a great deal about what it means to be a good command member. I want to pass my knowledge down to others, so that they too may learn skills that will help them get to where I am and maybe even higher. I try to get on the server daily and promote at least 1 person. Besides the knowledge I have learned from being a security "veteran" I also am the HFTO and Bot Manager for GENSEC. As the HFTO, I am in charge of all FTO related issues and concerns. I have been in this position since December and have only made a meeting absence for 1 meeting. I lead all FTO's and host our meetings on Sunday (join FTO). As the Bot Manager for security, I am in charge of updating channels when needed. There are few people in GENSEC who have this ability and I even had to teach 2 HCMD how to manage the bot. This is why I should retain my rank as Colonel. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Why are all the furries leaving?
  7. - Support for this ^ + Support for the rest. A new D Class job is always a cool addition. Like Rang said, security should already be re-adverting hands up. I'll make sure they know this.
  8. + Support I’ve known this man for awhile now and in that time he has earned my upmost respect. I know he will serve as an exceptional HOS.
  9. + Support this man is good. I trust him to lead security.
  10. If they abuse it they would probably be removed from their position. IDK how admin punishments work.
  11. The full site lockdown button was removed during the branch update and needs to be re-added. Its the one in the top left corner and when you press it the klaxon alarms go off.
  12. What you want to see? - I want to see Senior mods be able to give COL+ mustard gas when they request it. Why should we add it? - ATM, it can only be spawned in by Super Admin +, which there are barely any of. The odds of both a COL+ and a Super Admin being on at the exact same time during a large riot are very low. It seems rather odd that a Super Admin is needed for a nuke and for mustard gas. One kills everyone on the server and the other is only kills D Class. What are the advantages of having this? - It would allow security to handle large riots that require the gas more frequently. Recently, security activity has been rather low and the Class D have been taking advantage of this. Earlier today, there were multiple riots and D Block constantly was taken over. If Senior Mods were given the ability to spawn the gas in, security could re-take D Block faster and more efficiently. I do understand that they could give too much gas though. I think they should only give 5 grenades max, and can give more in 1 hour to level the playing field and prevent it from being abused. Who is it mainly for? - Senior Mods and COL+ Links to any content - N/A
  13. + Support This would limit security jobs and overall make GENSEC more organized.
  14. - Support You could just get on another job with the gun you prefer. Your name would still need to be Security MSGT but I personally will allow it and HCMD doesn’t really care.
  15. + Support I own the riot shield and I can tell you it sucks. 75% of the time it deploys wrong and it doesn’t protect you’re arm cause it glitches through.
  16. Sad to see ya go. Come back one day UwU.
  17. Name of Job: Security Colonel Job Model (Model Paths): Same Job Description: Same Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): Same Job Salary: Same Job HP: Same Job Armor: Same Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): I just want to have access to the F2 menu for blacklists. As a Colonel, I can blacklist people from security but cannot use the F2 menu for it. I need to call in an admin every time I do it. Problem is admins are not usually on when I am. This is a minor suggestion but could help.
  18. -Support Now that D Class can buy guns from the store, they are like mini Reznovs with no NLR.
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