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Mind Stone

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Everything posted by Mind Stone

  1. -Support Will effect other RP branches negatively.
  2. +Support Chair bad. Funny enough, when I get captured its always the CI getting stuck and not me lmao.
  3. -Support Originally, the door was level 3 but due to incidents, a suggestion was made and approved to change it to level 4.
  4. Accepted After reviewing your app, HCMD have decided to accept your application. Congratulations! One of us will whitelist you when we get on. Please request the "Jugg" tag in discord. Also UwU.
  5. Imagine having a life lmao
  6. F. Sad to see ya go. Play VRChat with me whenever.
  7. People are saying its already a thing. Either way I'll still leave a +Support.
  8. +Support It has garbage hit reg.
  9. -Support Like some others have said, its not too difficult to get back into HCMD from SCMD. You still are a high ranking member.
  10. +Support I like that we get to keep a combatant comms. Everybody wins.
  11. Accepted After reviewing your app, HCMD have decided to accept your application. Congratulations! One of us will whitelist you when we get on. Also UwU.
  12. +Support Like you said, as long as no explosives are used I'll allow it. Specific guidelines would need to be in place for when they can enter and who can request them in. Other than that sounds good! Edit: +/-Support (leaning towards -Support) There are quite the few cons that at time didn't come to mind. I'm seeing that if someone were to misclick, lots of GenSec would die which outweighs the pros. I would be a cool idea but no matter what you can't fix user error.
  13. I tell you "Assassin if you retire the furry HFTO chain will be broken" and what do you do? Retire. BRUH. Anyways, you were a great HFTO and MAJ. Sad to see ya go.
  14. -Support Personally, I only allow MTF in if D Block is truly having a tuff time and we need assistance. I would say the real issue is the amount of time security call those protocols. As DHOS (and D Class CC lol), I will investigate this further and put a stop to that real quick.
  15. +/- Support I feel problems will arise with this. However, I find the things Dr. Bright is not allowed to do pretty funny, and it is lore that he wants a chainsaw cannon. I'll change to +Support if you assure me this won't be abused (much).
  16. -Support And when there are no medics on? I mean I hardly see medical late into the night when security still are on. This suggestion just seems unneeded.
  17. Dude this is lowkey a cringe moment for security. You were an awesome HOS and a good friend. Not having you around will be.. different to say the least. Without you, who will protect me from Sixx?
  18. @Silver3504 Does this mean I win the assassination game?
  19. Nearly 300 members of security have been purged this rollcall, one of the highest (if not THE highest) I have ever witnessed. If you are one of the many who was removed, for this week only you can return to security as your previous rank on a 1 strike policy OR go back to OFC. In the event that you did respond to the rollcall and we didn't notice but you still got removed, contact a command member and you will be reinstated to your previous rank with no strikes. On behalf of HCMD, I want to thank the SCMD and LCMD members who assisted us with this. You guys were a huge help.
  20. Temp is primarily used during events.
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