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Mind Stone

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Everything posted by Mind Stone

  1. +/- Support leaning towards + Support I know you are ready for the responsibility. You’ve proven that. The only problem I see is the activity. I understand you are on a different time zone but I would like to see you more. I wish you luck.
  2. + Support The class is literally useless at the moment and nobody plays it.
  3. + Support No downsides to this. Might as well if it will prevent the 2 classes from spawn camping.
  4. It’s been a privilege to work with you. No matter how short. Goodbye friend.
  5. - Support The HCZ is what could be called "MTF's turf. " If they ever need our assistance we will provide and send some wardens or higher ranking officers to assist. Our job remains in the LCZ primarily.
  6. + Support They shouldn't have it. If they want one, they can join Wardens.
  7. Our CC’s have a 3 minute NLR actually. - Support
  8. Its missing the full site lockdown button. Plz add.
  9. + Support Is a interesting SCP from Containment Breach. Seems like a cool addition.
  10. - Support Hard to prove. Makes sense though.
  11. I agree with the toxicity. At times you can get hot-headed but then again we all can. You have my support but don't do anything stupid that will make me chamge it <3. You haven't done too much to prove you aren't ready. Good luck!
  12. -/+ Support (Leaning towards +) Activity is the biggest issue I see with this. I do believe that your activity will increase with time. You are definitely ready for the position though.
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