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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Please follow format. - Support, Researchers are able to get their own D Class, they are doing the test, so they are able to get their own D Class, Unless Researchers are getting in the way (which they are not) this is not needed.
  2. You can set up so specific ULX ranks get a physgun, you can have it so Senior Admin+ Get a physgun while on that job. Or any rank, give it to Staff of All ranks. +/- Support leaning on - support on this for me, It will reduce the prop abuse, but also sometimes people get stuck and no staff are on to be able to help if they spawn themselves in a chair and bring it towards them it would make it easier for them to get unstuck.
  3. As an Event Team Member, this can be abused badly, It is a very powerful item to give to people, and can be abused very easily.
  4. I agree. We should not generalize all D-Class. Its like saying Bright is a minge class, where in reality its the people playing having no respect for the job's rules, that give off that impression. I'd we allow D-Class to spawn props ONLY, and THAT'S A HARD ONLY, if they are doing it to enhance RP or are doing it away from people and it doesn't affect or get in the way of other people's RP experience. +/- Support for reason above.
  5. +/- Support, I know for re-containing SCPs such as 106, we can self femur ONLY if we can't get a D Class or any other type of lower ranking official in the foundation, MTF can femur themselves, we are currently not able to do it for Feeding SCPs but if D Block is rioting, and unable to get D Class, we can get low ranking personnel of the foundation, and if none are available we can use MTF. Due to how the clearance structure works. D Class > 0 Low ranking foundation personnel > 1 or 2 MTF (usually) 3+ so on and so forth.
  6. If they were anyway playable by players that would be fun.
  7. This could also help out research because there is a player to help do the RP. instead of possibly just making it up.
  8. It is one of the hardest SCPs to play, and it would just make it worse of a SCP to play.
  9. + Support + I see you on teamspeak, I am always looking around the teamspeak + You are a DAD in FBI on Police RP. + You are Active
  10. In-Game Name: February Now is Curtis Steam Name: [GL] Hamster SteamID: STEAM_0:1:154342364 Are you a Staff Member Within Gaminglight? Yes, SCP RP Moderator. How often are you on TeamSpeak? Everyday. Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)? The reason why I want to join the support team is sometimes I see new users sitting in the TeamSpeak support room for a while and they never get the attention, and when a Support team member joins my room I ask them hey I have noticed this person has been sitting in there a while and they go and help them and they come back. Even though I am not on the support team I am always looking for new visitors in the TeamSpeak, and reassuring them that a Support Team Member will be with them soon, If I was a Support Team Member I wouldn't have to reassure them, I can just help them out. I also love helping people out, I don't get annoyed with it, it is an enjoyable thing for me to do. I was once staff on a server that if they were disrespected they would kill the person with kindness, and I feel like I can bring those skills to the support team with users that sometimes just want to mess around and try to be mean. I know TeamSpeak quite well, I am the original creator of the TeamSpeak Support Guide. I always enjoy talking to other people and making the person day better, I get told all the time that I cheered someone up. I love working with people and a support team is mainly working with people in the TeamSpeak, I also know the discord quite well I can ask a person where they need to go and point them in the right direction, especially if it is a new person to TS3. One thing I see is at late night not very many people are on at later times which makes sense and I always am there to help at later dates. Usually in TS we are one of the first people they hear within the community. As a Support Member, I would make sure that the face of the community is a good one, as I am a calm, and understanding person, and try to get things done swiftly, but not rushed. I don't want to waste players time, but I also don't want to make it so fast that it was a bad experience. How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? The way I can affect the support team is by showing a great attitude within the support team, I know how to show the upmost respect to everyone. As well as be calm in all situations I am a active member, and I can add more activity to the support team. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? Hello. My name is February I am your support member at this current time, how are you? They respond with great. I say that is good. What can I help with today? Once the issue has been resolved I would ask them is there anywhere specific you are looking for, and I would lead them in the right direction and once they found it before they left say I have you have an amazing day and join back if you need any help again. Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? I know them well, and I plan to follow and enforce the rules to the best of my possibility. Thank you for reading my application, I wish the best for the support team. P.S. This is a copy of a old application I was accepted when I was a MEMBER of the community and when Community Support was a thing, I am applying now with the new rules. I never got my tags when I was getting Community Support it was accepted on September 2nd 2019. If you wish to view it please check out this link. I was told by Support IV that since it was accepted so long ago, he said it should be fine for me to do this, if not I can re-write the whole application. Please let me know. If you have any questions DM me on discord. Mr. Hamster#9915
  11. Curtis

    Stales 48 Notice

    YOU STEALING OUR PEOPLE It's okay I guess, you should beat him up there BadAim.
  12. Thank you for letting us know!
  13. - Support My understanding from what the one job that it is on, is it is supposed to be the strongest class in MTF, and the DPS makes up for the terrible range.
  14. Agreed. but in all seriousness I enjoyed working with you brotha.
  15. Curtis

    Stales 48 Notice

    It was good working with you Major Stale. I hope you have a great one!
  16. If so then maybe a /fd or something like that, for foundation, but I know I tried it in game nothing happened. but possibly its because I am a Moderator.
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