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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. + Support To be honest it made it easier if lets say HCMD + needed several members of utility, the main one would be medical and maint for this, but if they needed both health and armor, to be fair we can just use /site comms, but there could be a time were site comms is compromised and we need to use /utility to get in touch with people and to move operations more smoothly, and plus non combatants need a place to chat away from the combatants, the combatants have foundation forces.
  2. While I like the idea, it seems with the suggestion it would be a health and armor buff but also a slight rule change, where you can't kill it unless it is under fear RP. I + Support the health and armor buff, it is very easily killable to be honest and if people actually pinged it then it would be far too easy to kill. And if people start being doing this properly there may need to be a cooldown between how often it is pinged, like 5 minutes. While I -support the need for it to b fear RPed to be RCed. I generally only see it played during big breach events and not so much on the normal side like 682 or other SCPs. Great suggestion!
  3. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH! +Support!! Maybe when I get off LOA I may give research a try.
  4. + Support I have been on LOA for the past week and half but before I went on LOA you have been active, I have not seen you in many sits, and I have seen you be a positive member in the community, I wish you the best of luck on your application I think you would be a wonderful addition to the staff team. And a plus is your in Event team already, and you have shown your trustworthiness so far there.
  5. Denied Resignation is too long for our criteria, you may re-resign again in 1 week. Gonna miss you lad
  6. - Support I am sadly going to have to -Support you on this Civil, for a two reasons personally. Either that is not your SteamID, or you don't know how to check your warns, you are currently sitting at 4 warns across all of our servers. (Verbals do not count as a warn unless it is on your profile, but thank you for being forward with that) 1. 3/26/22 - RDMx2 | Killing class-d as class d 2. 3/27/22 - RDMx1 | Broke NLRx2 3. 1/21/23 - Bodyblock | LTAP 4. 2/13/23 - LTAP | RDM (Behalf of Marcus) You can check your warns by typing in game !warns or going to tools.gaminglight.com and clicking on Bans/Warns Profile. Another thing is we do not allow staffing for another community. I wish you the best of luck on all future endeavors!
  7. +Support Ellipsis is always willing to help me out when I am doing Admin duties, he is one of the first people I will ask for advice or have help me out. He is a great staff member, and I do not ever hear anyone talk bad about him. Everyone seems to enjoy him, as a staff member and as a command member. Within his command I know he does know when to be serious and when to have fun, he runs Raptors and I think he does it very well. He has made it up to LTCOL in D5 and Head of Raptors. Ever since he took over on raptors he began going after the mingery that happened on the job of raptors and has been doing great! Keep up the good work and good luck on your application.
  8. +Support Edwards is a very active member of the community, he is always willing to help out within Epsilon-11. Within his activity within E-11 he is always willing to help other users, and I think he would be able to corollate this within the staff team. You did excellent on the scenario questions, I think Q2 was an excellent answer. Along with Q4 requiring evidence, even if it is a reoccurring offender, we can never assume.
  9. Pshhhhhhhhhhhh good luck nerd See you around man!
  10. What are you suggesting? - Updating Rule number 6 on the Roll Guidelines. The current rule state the following 6. In order to sabotage the Site-13 systems you must be CI and roll a 60+. On a failed attempt it must be adverted "[Site-Alert] Unauthorized personnel attempting to gain access to Lights/Tesla/Lockdown systems in EZ Power-Room!" Foundation personnel must wait 5 minutes before attempting to fix sabotaged systems Maintenance personnel must roll a 50+ to fix sabotaged systems. All other Foundation personnel must roll a 60+. If the main lights are down due to a SCP 280 then all personnel must roll a 60+. Teslas broken by 079 have a 5 minute timer before they can be repaired. I think we should add the following to this rule (CHANGES MADE IN ORANGE) 6. In order to sabotage the Site-13 systems you must be CI and roll a 60+. On a failed attempt it must be adverted "[Site-Alert] Unauthorized personnel attempting to gain access to Lights/Tesla/Lockdown systems in EZ Power-Room!" Foundation personnel and Chaos Insurgency must mention what system they are attempting to sabotage or fix before they roll. Foundation personnel must wait 5 minutes before attempting to fix sabotaged systems Maintenance personnel must roll a 50+ to fix sabotaged systems. All other Foundation personnel must roll a 60+. If the main lights are down due to a SCP 280 then all personnel must roll a 60+. Teslas broken by 079 have a 5 minute timer before they can be repaired. How would this change better the server? - This would save staff the trouble of people just rolling and fixing or breaking the most annoying thing, this could also you could argue add more RP by them players doing /me breaks lights, or /me fixes lights. Currently some people will call staff and roll and then say oh that was for lights. As a staff member I think this is just cheating the system and or it being a loophole. Also anotehr thing is if a CI or foundation staff are by themselves they could roll and say oh that was for teslas (the least annoying thing) to either break or fix, and move on the next one. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - It would take a few more seconds to fix/break systems. Who would this change mostly benefit? - This would mostly benefit staff, as well as preventing players from just rolling and choosing what that want based on that roll. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  11. There is one issue I see right now, if you do not fully do the self breach system, you currently can not break any doors unless your breach timer is up and you successfully breached. If they are able to make it so that only your main SCP door is beached by the SCP timer I don't think this would be an issue, but currently all the breach-able doors are the same and are linked to the timer. (To my knowledge unless this was updated recently) If that is able to be adjusted I will say + Support to this suggestion if it is not then I will have to say - Support on it just because that can become an issue.
  12. I enjoy this suggestion greatly, I have yet to play on 079 so I am unsure how it is currently, but with more Cameras and maybe the more you can do on the SCP with the doors it would be amazing. There have been a few times that I was confused what was going on with one of the doors but I feel like 079 is more of an SCP that enjoys messing with everyone. I hope this gets approved and people can do more with 079. +Support
  13. While I like your application, you are making a suggestion, for your What are you suggesting? section, you did give great detail of why SCP 966 Should be reworked, but what is your idea of a rework, or what is your idea of improved HP? 10? 100? 500? Also do you know of any potential new weapons they could give the SCP? I enjoy the concept behind the suggestion, however you did not fully provide a suggestion other than rework the SCP, with no ideas of how to rework it, once post is edited I will give a + or - Support. ------------ After Post Edit ------------ Thanks for the quick turn around on that edit, that sweep looks wonderful, as long as like you said works with our current thermals. It looks like a good sweep, however some testing would have to be done to make sure it works with all of our current addons. As well as so long as it is able to be configured with the current settings of the addon then it would be great! from the looks of it, it is very configurable and may work great for the server! As for the HP I see it would maybe be more fit for 1000-1500 HP would be best. Other than that +Support
  14. Requesting EOI and General Grading for Case File 0156 First time Readers I recommend the long link, readers coming back I recommend Short Link. Any suggestions feel free to DM me on discord ATurtTurt#4725 Long Link. https://sites.google.com/view/curtiss-chaos-insurgency/home?authuser=0 Login > Click Here > Interrogation Logs: 2 > Case File [0156] > Enjoy the reading Short Link https://sites.google.com/view/curtiss-chaos-insurgency/interrogation-logs/case-file-0156-interrogation-of-security-personnel?authuser=0 Enjoy the read. Over & Out Turtle Man
  15. What are you suggesting? - Changing /o and /op to only being /open as the default OOC in gmod is /ooc. How would this change better the server? - New players that join the server would be confused why they can't talk in OOC. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Takes longer to type /open but less time than /advert [OPEN] Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone especially new players Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - Below is a photo of me on D-Class trying to do /ooc. I personally use // but newer users to gmod (we still get those) do not know about that. NOTE: I know this just got added but figured I would toss this up just to do a slight change.
  16. NOOOOOOOOOOOO I swore I proof read it BIG OLE FACEPALM!! Thank you for the response! I reassure you that it is now fixed.
  17. Making this post for grading of EOI and General Grading. Hello!! I am new to R&D but not the server! I do not do many interrogations, however I am wanting to expand my passive RP hence why I joined R&D but also enjoy the PvP. I do recommend if it is your first time viewing one of my posts to do the long link. This shows you all the work I put into this hub of documents I will be using for my Tests and Interrogations. Any improvements you think I may need to add please feel free to DM me on discord! ATurtTurt#4725 I am always open to suggestions! I hope you enjoy the reading. Interrogation File Request Grading Name: Interrogation File 0134 Subject Jimmy | Nickname: Forever Rolling Long link to Interrogation File https://sites.google.com/view/curtiss-chaos-insurgency/home?authuser=0 Enjoy the read! Follow the following to view this log. Click: Login > Graphic User Interface > Interrogation Logs > Case File [0134] Direct link to Interrogation File File Name: Interrogation File 0134 Subject Jimmy | Nickname: Forever Rolling https://sites.google.com/view/curtiss-chaos-insurgency/interrogation-logs/case-file-0134-interrogation-of-foundation-personnel?authuser=0
  18. Here is the evidence on my end from what happened The user that reported you sent me this video https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ZN9xIjhS4Eo4D/dyt2LHEPMwe5?invite=cr-MSxYT1UsNzcwNDc0MTQs From my end, I saw that the user that was reporting him said he was going to report mrkrazy. and then a few minutes later the player left the server, and then the report was made, and took the sit. After reviewing logs between both users, it seemed to me that iTS A ME UNCLE LARRY did not seem to care that 939 was going to report them, and then a few minutes later left. I would say the report came in roughly 10-15 minutes after the user left the server. Another thing that lead me to the ban was that he had previous warns and bans not only on SCP but other Gaming light servers. To the user that is ban, the message above is not an attack against you just how I see it, from when I was initiating the ban. I hope to see you again on Gaminglight Servers and having fun!
  19. Scooty while I may not know you very well (hopefully we can change that message me on discord sometime maybe we can play some games or something) your application is well done. I do see you on the server a fair bit amount of time and I do hear about you (Positivity). I feel like you would be a great candidate for the HCMD position and if you don’t get the HCMD position I feel like you definitely deserve a command position!! Good Luck Over & Out Turtle Man
  20. All I have to say is B0x said this perfectly!! Reading your application you put great detail more towards the branch than yourself! I love that aspect about this application, if other applicants see this post I highly suggest they do the same and revisit their posts or any new applicants looking at applications before posting this is a great post (don’t copy it, get your ideas running too, this is just a great example) Well done! + Support!! Over & Out Turtle Man
  21. I would definitely say that our server strives more for PvP however RP is fun too!! reading you application I can see over the past few months how the wardens is changing they are not always in D-Block area and they doing other things as well. I feel like not to long ago I’d always see 2 or 3 always in D-Block int not doing anything else and I see wardens on but I’m like they not at D-Block intersection all the time now. It’s nice but also can become a hazard for D-Class to breach however I enjoy how your trying to include more RP into the sever and I feel like A1 could use that to its advantage with the new branch coming in. It can shift some of how we do things a little, but not too much cause bang bang shooty shoot is fun. + Support!!!
  22. Now this is a long application, I did read the whole thing and man is it a lot of information. I will be giving your application a + Rep you have a lot of knowledge of the community, however you would be leaving E11 and that would be very sad, however I can see what some people’s concerns are. (Remember everyone this application process is for everyone). I feel like your replacement as any HCMD replacement would need would be some guidance, however if you do get accepted and must leave E11, I feel like it would be figured out in the end. I trust the process of what Site Admin and SMT do when it comes to new branches like this. Good Luck Goat!
  23. + Support I have known pure for a good while now and he may not remember me but I remember him. He is a very dedicated individual and I feel would be a perfect fit for A1. HCMD is always a learning experience however Pure has been in command for a couple of years now and I feel like is well versed within the community knowledge.
  24. + Support!! Mary is very active on the server and she is well versed within the rules and the branches of the server. Mary has a serious side and a fun side I feel like she has the perfect mix and would be perfect for this branch. She has been command before and is currently command again! She is a perfect fit in my eyes for command of A1!
  25. - Very well written application. - I see them on the server all the time! - very very active! +Support
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