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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. Ill throw my idea in roll vs roll, cant be done in combat, no limit to how many can be influenced, person influenced must remain near 035 or search for 035 if lost, 1 minute cooldown (you cant retry a roll for 5 minutes anyway) 035 is keter and in his current state nearly useless, i think that this change is needed to make him relevant as a keter SCP. Also wanna add since lots of the ideas involve certain roll requirements for certain branches that we still have the site admin roll bonus rules
  2. +Support Literally no reason for them not to have it
  3. -Support while I would absolutely love to see the use of vehicles more often, the current map Simply does not work with vehicles.
  4. You came in clutch too many times while i was learning to be command in janitorial, thank you for being a mentor, ill see you in CI
  6. I also heard they have access to every dono melee weapon, including the scythe. -support
  7. I would like to participate in the BROADgames please
  8. Oh, my bad man +support
  9. No clue who you are talking about, we dont have a staff member named Valkyrie on SCP-RP
  10. +Support There would be a lot less posts that just say “hey i got blacklisted can i have my job back”
  11. +/- +friendly guy and helpful in sits +long time member of the community +good leader -youve been more active as of recent but i havent seen you on staff before that except once or twice keep up your current activity for a week or 2 more and ill +support but rn im sorry but no
  12. @Hugo Stiglitz - USMC oh boy... “Alright first things first, Fully Automatic sniper rifles do not exist in Security, Heavy's do have Light Machine Guns in the form of the M249 S.A.W., but I have yet to see a fully automatic sniper rifle, (what is your source on this?). Regardless even with the implementation of this powerful Squad Automatic Weapon, I have seen Heavy's and Vanilla Security alike taken down by trains of D Units with melee weapons.” you missed the entire point here, the point was to compare custom jobs and what each side has available “Next thing about patrols, I have no idea what you personally think that patrols do, but the purpose of an armed patrol is as follows according to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary: ” Alright this isnt the marines my guy, im not trying to disrespect your service at all but it isnt. Im going off the definition of patrol that has been what gensec has done since the start of the year. In fact, ive been on plenty before RCF was a thing. On every single one I went on I never found a single thing except maybe 173s door being open and him on surface or somewhere in EZ. This is because MTF have a hold on things in HCZ, and there is not much going on in LCZ that isnt a result of gensec not being in D block. “Patrols are used for allied forces to stay vigilant in enemy environments, establish a known presence among possible hostiles, and reconnaissance, (or to find some trouble that's being cooked up). Having GENSEC conduct patrols the right way would establish a more firm and vigilant security force, and would increase awareness of security units itself.” If you want a more firm level of security in LCZ set up a checkpoint outside of medbay as this is the entrance and exit of LCZ. “And in rebuttal to the last statements you made, It slightly infuriates me, however for the sake of clarity I will remain constructive with necessary criticism , that people would rather subdue change and continue with the conformity that they are used to.” The TL;DR i got “Sir I understand you may like to join the server every day and see the same environment you have when you became used to it, Sir I understand adapt and change may not be one of your fortes', and Sir I understand that you would rather that security stay at their posts and continue the tug of war Stalingrad-Slaughter. However I implore you, to instead look at the slowly degrading number of people subject to the same day-in, day-out routine, that you have become so used to yourself. If we do not at least entertain the idea of change that may not only expand peoples perception of this server, but may impact the way even you yourself were to view it, then how long will this routine continue? months? years?” Well I mean when you are pushing for a P2W (since my -support really isnt about me since I have reznov so itll affect me the least) environment Im sure that others see nothing wrong with my opposition. Also throwing a “Haha” reaction at my -support wasnt too kind of you
  13. What is your in-game name?: BadAim/Sam. What is your steam name?: [GL]BadAimSam What is your steam ID?: STEAM_1:0:81238702 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I remember this one time I was a senior mod on this cool SCP-RP server but not much other than that. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly): Late March, 2019. What date did you make your forums account? : May 30th. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Senior Moderator. How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 5. Teamkilling other D class (Guy was body blocking so I killed him before security could kill me) Prop minge/FailRP/NITRP (Probably my lowest point on the server) Player diss (Most recent, see cons of Q15) NLR/FailRP/Report Accepted (https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/45893-boozles-player-report/?tab=comments#comment-307319) FailRP, muting 049 (Really need to get this one appealed) Have you donated? Yes, $200. What rank are you applying for? Admin mentorship. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No. (Union of Class D is owned by SMT) Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it: Yes. Timezone: CST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Owner/Manager: Igneous Super Admin+: Th3, Rangiatea, RookieBlue, WeAreInfected. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): For this question, I'd like to answer why I deserve this rank and why I don't, so I can help SMT and the community make its decision better. PROS -Out of all the staff on the server, I believe I am one of the top 3 who are willing to hop on duty no matter what is happening. I've been in the middle of janitorial patrols, riots into EZ, and just before CI raids, and every time I am fully willing to hop on duty. I am always willing to lend the staff on duty a hand. -To continue off that last sentence I am always supportive and helpful of my fellow staff. If I see more than 2 tickets pop up in a short period of time, I will always ask the staff on duty if they would like me to flag up, and whenever lower-ranking staff have questions, I always answer. -I always remain efficient with my sits, allowing me to deal with multiple active tickets easily, and relieving a lot of stress from the staff team. -I'm one of the more active members of staff, and promise that I will continue to be after my (fingers crossed) promotion. -RP wise I'm well rounded (I've been promoted at least once in every branch on the server), which helps me be a lot fairer during sits and much more understanding of players' emotions towards situations. CONS -I can be toxic at times, making rude remarks, calling people "Bud", and "Kid", at times, and sometimes simply snapping at people. -I have made a few bad relationships with members of the community, which I should not have made and do not intend to continue the worsening of these relationships. -School can weigh me down a bit, so I'll probably be taking more LOAs as we go into the school year. -I've had a reputation in the past of minging (hasn't been too much of an issue as of recent but just putting it out there). -I'm inactive according to Infected, and while I disagree since hes a Super Admin I thought I'd include his opinion (ONLY JOKING DON'T TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY). I hope I've laid everything out clearly for the community to properly make a Decision, and if they do not think I'm ready, I hope I can fix what is criticized, and improve on what isn't. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: Once they've been brought into the sit and begin to curse at me, I would ask them to settle down then gag them if they continue. I would then check combat logs so I could get the best available idea of what happened, and piece together info from what I am told by the player who made the ticket and the MRDMer, and compare and contrast their stories (however usually MRDMers just own up to it in my experience to act tough). If I believed that the player had RDMed, I would warn them for MRDM|NCWS|Staff Diss, and ban them for 1120 Seconds, and then copy the player's SteamID and speak to JMT+ to see if they think the player should receive any further punishment. If I believed that the player had not RDMed, I would jail them for 600 seconds for Staff diss|NCWS.
  14. 5 players, 3 of which rarely play, and a melee weapon with good hit reg =/= permanent partial lockdown
  15. I had a blast with todays event, even if it was a bit laggy, I enjoyed seeing how another server in the community operates and meeting one or two members of the Police RP community. Yall seem to have a great thing going on over here and im happy to have seen it!
  16. Its not lore friendly either that certain class D have sledgehammers and revolvers, and that certain security have fully automatic sniper rifles and light machine guns, but SMT is fine with it Ive never been on a patrol that as accomplished something, its just a chance to let security oooh and aaah at all the things they usually dont get to see This has been their job since march, and back then they didnt even have a fence and had worse guns. If this suggestion was to add another layer to the fence or to buff armor and HP on enlisted id be fine with it, but as it stands -support
  17. +/- support since the weapon is OP But every time a suggestion like this is made usually the weapons are made barely usable
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