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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. Thats what staff is there for +/- Support +encourages different evasion styles other that back pedaling -makes a pay to win environment for MTF/Gensec players
  2. Yeah it makes no sense also sledgehammer will most likely be needing a nerf after this update
  4. <RND EYES ONLY> <Using Optic Scanners To Validate Personnel> <Clearance Validated> <Welcome, Authorized User> RND Research Report #[9-F] Take. All. SCPs. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Case File: #[6999]-Niner-Niner-Niner Full Name: Samuel "Sneaks" [REDACTED] Current Position: Assistant Researcher ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 9/2/20[REDACTED] Location: Site 05, Location Unknown [ SCPs Involved: SCP-999 Hypothesis: Will SCP-999 move through a meshed surface? Observation 1-A: [Talk About What You Did To Contain And Who Helped You Contain The SCP] [Follow This With An Audio Log] Researcher: [REDACTED] Sneaks, [REDACTED] Mocks Subject: SCP-999 . .*Crackling Noise* . [Begin Video Log] . (Video taken through a handheld camera shows [REDACTED] Mocks in the background through a mesh fence inserting a test sample of 999 into a computer. SCP-999 itself is also behind a wire mesh with him, aimlessly rolling around.) . AR Sneaks: Beginning test log, I will be seeing whether or not SCP-999 can split its body mass to fit through tight surfaces. . (Sneaks can been seen placing a piece of candy at his feet) . AR Sneaks: Come here 999! . (SCP-999 moves towards the messh and moves through it by rolling directly through it, its mass and eyes seeping through the mesh.) . AR Sneaks: Test is complete. SCP-999 is able to move through meshed objects, let this be noted in his documents. . [End Video Log] . *Crackling Noise fades away* Observation 1-B: SCP-999 Was lost after the failure of [REDACTED], resulting in nuclear detonation. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Errors or Safety Hazards: None Conclusion: SCP-999 is not to be contained in a mesh Pen, the material must be checked for holes. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sneaks Assistant Researcher Area [REDACTED] Location Unknown Research Log Filed @Catsro
  5. Any new thoughts on this?
  6. Yeah commanders are a rare sight in a battle and have worked hard to get to their position, no reason for them to not have high HP
  7. Bruhhh id play 106 SOOOOO much more if this was a thing MAJOR +SUPPORT FROM ME
  8. +support these props barely add to RP and usually get in the way pls keep the microwaves tho ;-;
  9. Don't expect to win the communities vote on this, mainly making this more for SMT to make a decision on. What do you want to see? - Nu-7 and A-1s interaction with D block be adjusted DEFCON 5/4 - No Nu7 or A1 who aren't guarding a VIP are allowed in D block or the intersection outside of it DEFCON 3 - Nu7 and A1 who aren't guarding a VIP may enter D block only if GENSEC Low command+ allows it DEFCON 2 - Nu7 and A1 who aren't guarding a VIP may enter D block freely DEFCON 1 - Nu7 and A1 who aren't guarding a VIP may enter D block freely Any A1 who are guarding a VIP may enter D block if their VIP is in D block These rules are void if there is less than 5 GENSEC online No E11 may enter according to standard protocol Why should we add it? - all 3 of the MTF Branches have weaponry not equipped for dealing with class D, they are equipped for fighting SCPs and GOIs/CI. Because of this, there is no reason for MTF to be in D block. It causes an unbalanced matchup against MTF/GENSEC Vs Class D, and only serves to frustrate class D players, making them more likely to quit the server. What are the advantages of having this? - Balances combat interactions Who is it mainly for? - Class D, MTF, GENSEC.
  10. Wym by this, do you mean removing a potential hiding spot from class d and CI?
  11. Good to know, no more verbals for SCPs who failRP from me
  12. Name: Ranger/BadAim Branch: tech Rank: technician Rate your Activity from 1 to 10 (1 being very low 10 being incredible) : 1 (im on loa :/)  Are you on the Roster: yes
  13. +support, level 2 gives 912 armory access, this would circumvent this issue
  14. +support -Command in research most likely means you can be professional and understanding in sits as you have proven to high command you can be professional with handling members of your own department -Good Q15 -Q16 great, good job on knowing Tmods command limits -0 warns -always seems to be trying to help new players (ex. Constantly making mass test opportunities to help junior researchers get promotes) all around good guy so big ol’ +support right here
  15. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevant! What you want to see? - For EXP to only be given for class Ds escaping if there is more than 5 GENSEC and or MTF on the server Why should we add it? - during the summer a common occurrence i’d find when coming on the server during downtime is lots of people abusing the lack of security to grind for EXP, and they would normally breach every SCP while they did this. This leaves a big mess for MTF to clean up, and a lot of us dont come on during downtime for this reason. Removing this could possibly boost MTF activity during downtime as there would most likely be less breaches and class D roaming. What are the advantages of having this? - takes stress off MTF Who is it mainly for? - MTF, administration, and class Ds
  16. -support no need for this, whenever mustard gas is used masks are always spawned
  17. My big concern is how that would change class D interaction and rioting.could you send me a screenshot of the checkpoint (grounded cant go on gmod) where class D and GENSEC would interact please? Because if its anything like werewolf gamings (not advertisement dont know the map name) map it would be terrible and add a bunch of body blocking reports and lots of cheap melee kills. The area needs to be open to allow GENSEC to outmaneuver class D
  18. -support while I understand that it can be frustrating to wait for someone to open the door for 912 players, this is also the same clearance level for the armory door, so this would put more stress on staff by allowing mingey 912 players to access the armory.
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