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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. I like the idea of having handlers so you don’t just have 3 dogs roaming EZ. maybe this could be interview based and be a specialty?
  2. +/- leaning to - +respected member of the community -for Q14 you can absolutely come up with more than “I get on late at night”. Sell yourself man! Talk about your RP rank, brag about yourself! -Q15 needs a redo. Keep in mind as a trial mod you cannot ban, and you shouldn’t verbal warn for MRDM. I can see you getting into staff but you need to put forth a better effort!
  3. ok so there’s this one sub branch in security and basically
  4. OwO +Support But give research a shiba inu for their K-9 /s (this is an interesting idea though and I think it could work.)
  5. Name and Rank: Apprentice BadAim Activity (Such as active, semi-active, LOA): Active How many ticks you have currently: 1 What battalion you are a part of: N/A
  6. This would be an amazing change and I’m all for it!
  7. -support for the special weaponry and gear they have, 4 is enough.
  8. 81 MBs is A LOT. -support
  9. +support jar jar use Dante hilt
  10. Are you calling me incompetent? /s
  11. Name and Rank: Jakobi Bryan Activity (Such as active, semi-active, LOA): LOA How many ticks you have currently: 3 What battalion you are a part of: N/A
  12. This is an updated post with suggestions given by Adam added in. Name: Purge Trooper Command Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_dlt19x, rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50, Job Name: Purge Officer Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Changing job name to Purge Trooper Officer, Adding weapon rw_sw_e11_noscope and rw_sw_dlt19x, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50 and swep_mexicanshockstaff Job Name: Purge Trooper Heavy Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_z2, sp_z6-s, and rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50, and the rw_sw_t21 Note: Heavy WLs will be wiped and the process of joining this Specialty will be difficult. Please also increase the Z2’s fire rate to 1000RPM and damage to 25. Job Name: Purge Trooper Brawler Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: changing model to: models/player/sample/purge/sgt/sgt.mdl Adding weapon rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50 Job Name: Purge Trooper Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_e11_noscope and sp_z6-s, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50 (TL-50 doesn’t make much sense to have on the job and the E-11 fits lore better and is also better for trigger discipline in my experience.) Increase the DLT-19s magazine cap to 100 since it is considered an LMG and right now the ammo count runs out quickly while trying to lay down fire.
  13. Im guessing the message means we need to look through the previous post?
  14. The blacked out message is filipino, here is the translation: "The past will help you. But be careful, not adding the right ones will bring you nothing but pain."
  15. Why won’t the officer job be receiving this as well?
  16. +Support for the ISD I have a partially written SOP to go with it if it’s added as well
  17. +Support Not much needs to be said here really.
  18. What do you want to see? - New models for Purge Troopers! Why should we add it? - It would allow me to do more with the battalion for rewards (Making some of the bodygroups unlocked by completing a specific task: ex. Valor in combat, Trainer of the month, Service, etc.), and it would also give me a unique model for my specialty troopers! What are the advantages of having this? - Better color coding and visibility for Purge troopers, a lore-friendly commander pauldron, and it gives troopers extra incentive to work hard to gain access to bodygroups Who is it mainly for? - Purge Troopers Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1536195364&searchtext=Inquisitorius Note: If this were to be added, the Models would go onto the Jobs in this order: Purge Trooper Command: models/player/worthy/commander/bf2_p1_trooper.mdl Purge Trooper Officer: models/player/worthy/officer/bf2_p1_trooper.mdl Purge Trooper Sergeant (this job is in the next battalion update): models/player/worthy/junior_nco/bf2_p1_trooper.mdl Purge Trooper Heavy: models/player/worthy/senior_nco/bf2_p1_trooper.mdl Purge Trooper Brawler: models/player/worthy/senior_nco/bf2_p1_trooper.mdl Purge Trooper: models/player/worthy/enlisted/bf2_p1_trooper.mdl
  19. The falcon isn’t allowed and consistently with rules on guns must be kept
  20. +Support mature respected member of the community fit for staff
  21. Updated. Also to address the -supports, SMT has requested I didn’t use the republic era weapons, and the weapons aren’t underpowered in any way.
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