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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. No Its just not possible, trust me I’d love the model but it’s not a risk worth taking.
  2. Yes here’s the application format Are you a donator?:
  3. +Support +loads of experience +IK STs need all the help they can get rn and Alpha could be a major help +has been in his position for a while pretty great candidate
  4. In-Game Name: Purge Commander Grim / BadAim Steam Name: [GL]BadAimSam SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81238702 Are you a Staff Member Within Gaminglight?: Yes, an Admin on IMP-RP. How often are you on TeamSpeak?: Multiple Hours daily. Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)? I want to join the support team because as I'm coming up on my 1-year anniversary with Gaminglight, I'm starting to see that in order to continue putting myself out there within the community, a necessary part of that is joining other divisions of our staffing teams. One of the most important divisions without a doubt is the support team, as their assistance and management of the 2 largest centers of communication for the community is imperative. Ensuring that users' time before receiving support is as low as it can be is vital to the integrity of the community, as long waiting times may discourage newer players from using our services. I want to join support for these reasons, as well as I would just like to get to know members of the community a lot better outside of Imperial RP and SCP RP, and I think this would help me do so. How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way?: I feel that my efficiency with handling staffing and my generally positive and helpful attitude with people will allow me to be a great addition to the Support Team. I normally help people out with custom job posts and whenever anyone has any questions in the discord anyway, so this isn't anything I'm not used to. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels?: Hello! I'm BadAim, a representative of Gaminglight's Support Team. How may I assist you? Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability?: Yes.
  5. Name: Grim Rank: Sergeant Major FTO Rank (If Applicable, SGT+): N/A Why should you retain your rank (WO+ must respond | 150+ words): N/A  Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: N/A
  6. +Support Dont forget about those 15LE buffs as well!
  7. TBH I'd be down with every officer (or just VCMDR+) having a naval uniform
  8. This on top of some global damage percentage nerfs on crystals.
  9. Yeah go with that. If a bridge was made then you could just post a sniper on the bridge to snipe D-class in upper and D-class that are cracking.
  11. +Support +mans got a shiny medal +I’m pretty sure I remember you and you were chill you’d be a great candidate for CI!
  12. Probably ImperialRP. I’ve never played SWRP seriously before it, but it was an absolutely amazing change of pace from SCPRP both in staffing and in RP.
  13. It'd be best for you to pass this idea onto CI CMD, since they are able to make a branch update to implement this! suggestions for branch-specific jobs usually will not be accepted, unless it is a branch update.
  14. Just in from SMT: They are open to map edit suggestions!
  15. what EDIT: How would staff even enforce this
  16. Pretty much consider it this way: Doing this would allow a single player to have fun and feel cool, while the rest of the server has to suffer until they are dealt with.
  17. +Support +works really well with CMD +really mature +Excellent HCMD member +Great RPer Gonna be honest at first I really didn’t know what to expect from him as a General, but I was happily surprised at how well he adapted to the situation and outshined his peers through his work ethic and communication with CMD!
  18. +Support +we now have the ability to make map edits like this and should take advantage of that +there is a keypad on the door that leads to that area, so it wouldn’t be a constant flow of D class entering the tower +It would allow security to have a Full 360 view of D block with a million new angles to snipe d class from during partial +it would add an area for d class and security to contest that isn’t the D-block CP +Security snipers would have A LOT more to do all around seems like a great idea as long as we can make the actual map edit
  19. Has anyone else seen this?: https://imgur.com/a/jyhsZo4
  20. BadAim

    Corners CI App

    Bruh I could just break you out of D-block if you want
  21. I don't play as much SCP-RP as I used to. Has he changed much since this?
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