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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. +Support +Respected and well known member of the community +Decent App +Q16 Was correct
  2. From a balance perspective, I agree. Otherwise, security cameras are mentioned a million times over on the wiki and it makes no sense that MTF wouldn't have them. +/- Support
  3. My -Support still stands, DM me if you would like to go further with this
  4. -Support There is a sniper job for a reason There are field medics for a reason Use your resources strategically and you can win 9/10 shootouts
  5. So uhhhh any word on this? It’s been pending for a month...
  6. Changing mine to a +support yes good person very much time in purge very nice yes good
  7. 49ers because they aren’t the chiefs
  8. +Support It has been plenty of time since what happened on SCPRP, and since Jeffe is one of the most dedicated players on the server I’m giving this a big ol +Support
  9. What do you want to see? - The base Speed of Purge increased by 15 Why should we add it? - Purge troopers are usually in a death sentence when a Jedi closes range on them, and don't get a chance to recover. It isn't fair for lower-ranking purge who can't tank these hits and try to escape. What are the advantages of having this? - Would hopefully help purge troopers have more fun during events Who is it mainly for? - Purge, GMs Links to any content - N/A
  10. It was meant to be the replacement for janitorial when trash man was removed
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RsJyBPohj0V-nEJIFFma0D7mY5lWizQsC2jw8WNbUSg/edit?usp=sharing It was a dumb idea I know, but since I barely play on SCP at this point I thought I might as well post it.
  12. A commanders blessing is good enough for me
  13. People don't join Nu-7 or E11 for medical RP either
  14. -Support did you let an elementary schooler write this?
  15. You are gonna regret the Luger just saying
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