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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. +Support +Active +Very accustomed to the seriousRP that would be required out of him +In general a great guy good luck!
  2. In Game Name: [GL]BadAimSam Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81238702 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - MTF OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+): Red Right Hand If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: O5-13 (Catsro), O5-1 (Igneous) if 13 is taken. How many Strikes do you have: 0 Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: SCP-RP has always held a special place in my heart, as it was the Garry’s Mod server that sparked my interest in RP servers. From my start on the server in Security, I always remembered seeing Rangiatea being guarded by A-1, and watching the fun they had. It became clear to me then that I didn't want to stop and be content with Security, I wanted to give MTF a shot. When I joined Nu-7, I realized that it definitely wasn’t the branch for me (*COUGH* Nimo as commander *COUGH*), and that I needed some change. So, I talked to my buddy Daedran, and I joined A-1 the next day. I have nothing but outstanding memories from guarding Site Administration. From helping Carpenter chase Blackbeard around surface to arrest him, to sharing a laugh with Igneous over him making an A-1 member 4 feet tall, to hanging out with Catsro and Randy in his Boomer DOC Office. I want to continue to make these memories, and also help O5 make them. I also want to join RRH because I’ve been looking for a way to come back to the server while not worrying about ranks, and while also engaging in RP, and this looks like a great way to do it. Why should we accept you: You should accept me because in my 1 year on Gaminglight I have gotten a lot of experience under my belt. In MTF, the lowest rank I left as was Sergeant Major in Nu-7, and I had also gained a lieutenant position in E-11, Security, and most importantly A-1. I know the guarding game pretty well, and now from my experience on IMP-RP, I also know what it is like to be guarded. I'm currently holding a High Command (equal to Site Admin over here) position on Imperial-RP, which will help me out tremendously on my RRH job, as I will be able to understand what my VIP is thinking, what they dislike about being guarded, and how I can minimize that issue while still remaining effective at my job. I also understand how to properly engage in the SeriousRP that would be required out of me, as shown by my previous A-1 2LT spot, my position in Clan Imperium on IMP-RP (the hardest special forces to get into, I was the only non-JMT that made it in when they held tryouts), and other current [REDACTED] positions here. Overall I think I would be a great choice for this position due to my previous experience as an A-1 CMD member, my recently gained experience in High Command on Imperial-RP, and because of my multiple special forces positions that would help me remain serious and professional while on the job. I hope to work with the O5 team soon! EDIT: In case there are concerns on my activity, do note that I have been back on the server for about a month as an SM in security and as a LCPL in E11, but both jobs are under different names.
  3. Just find a different model (ISB model for example)
  4. -Support BTW, you got punished for it before, you should've known better.
  5. The reason people use these is because when they go to actually type in "thermals", the enemy will uncloak and attack them while they type. EDIT: For example MTF: Sees a door open randomly behind them *starts to type thermals* 966: takes half the MTF's HP before he can even react
  6. The map creator does not allow edits
  7. Here are some of the best piloting moments I've captured over the year! https://medal.tv/clips/18869711/PbcmbunuqPro https://medal.tv/clips/17001060/L2jKyQcw6L9U https://medal.tv/clips/16985744/xTKVdI59pywV https://medal.tv/clips/16383767/iYVFUcS8mwMm https://medal.tv/clips/14390681/DXAdf2i0dmJX https://medal.tv/clips/14316223/SWWmm5uRy09e https://medal.tv/clips/18149199/7Ip6ToN2ZqWh https://medal.tv/clips/19633643/U25qOqIy8Ce9 https://medal.tv/clips/21868677/H7iWeyZq3ykD
  8. +Support From his time on IMP-RP I can vouch for him. Koala has moved past his previous issues and deserves a second chance.
  9. Why should I continue to compile evidence by getting your side when it was already clear to me that you were a minge based off my encounter that happened less than a minute before you had ARDMed? This is a common thing for trolls to do. They see a commander, shoot them, and run for a joke. I didn't see any need to continue to understand the situation any further because it was obvious to me what had happened. I presented the evidence of you ARDMing and told you that it was quite clear what you did, and I informed you that your warn would not be removed. PM me if you would like to discuss this more. I am always open to feedback regarding my behavior while staffing.
  11. After an ISB landed in MHB, you immediately walked up behind them, to which the ISB (@Hunt) ordered you to step back, or face execution. You did not walk away even after I had told you to leave (as well as the ISB and DT VCMDR), and were killed because of this. 10 seconds later roughly I get shot at randomly in MHB (Other Commanders know this is a common occurrence for mingey ST PVTs to shoot people from the rafters and from the doors and then leg it). Because of my staff rank I immediately checked logs to see who it was, and it was the ST PVT who just disobeyed orders, in a position that made it seem as if you didn't want to be caught. I then brought you, said "you did the funny!", warned you, and told you "let's not be shooting at people randomly alright?", then returned you. https://imgur.com/a/ZdZWoTs Evidence of the ARDM EDIT: You don't not notice that you shot someone. There is a separate button you must press (that has no use with binoculars), a hitmarker, recoil, and a blood particle effect even if you didn't have audio (which somehow cut in perfectly in time to hear me talk to you in the sit, but not in time to hear your gun fire). I highly doubt you would just walk away from a situation where you accidentally shoot someone, ESPECIALLY a high command member.
  12. I mean if SMT is somehow blessed with free-time sure, otherwise this seems like a waste of time to implement.
  13. Thank you for all your work old friend. I'll miss you.
  14. BadAim

    false warning

    Let’s forget about the big “LEVEL-4 CLEARANCE REQUIRED” sign right outside the Bridge then, and let’s ignore that shock regularly guards that area, and that shock only guard restricted areas. In no way could I blame Cam for making this mistake. The only thing a staff member has to go off of whenever someone presses the alarm button is death logs, and where the most recent deaths were. If you were on the bridge when you aren’t authorized to be there then you are 100% a suspect in that case. EVEN THEN being on the bridge without proper clearance is considered failRP. Wow, I never would have guessed that insulting a staff member would get you warned for staff diss! -support even without cam’s side.
  15. Sounds good! +Support update looks great! Everyone's getting a fresh coat of paint it seems!
  16. Whats up with the required addon on the new PM?
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