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Everything posted by Bor

  1. +/- I thought I would never even Consider this but. You've gone way farther then any Previous Minge I've seen, I think you Deaves a Chance Hugely matured. Very Mature/Respectful on Gensec (This is what I've seen) Q16 Good. You Sometimes minge off Gensec. Previous Minge, Might come back. Long timeline of outbreaks. Lots Of Grammar Errors.' Lots of Warns.
  2. Add Secure Channel 8 (Permission From 05) Also TH3 Said he would add it when it gets added.
  3. What you want to see? - D class Miner Job Used ONLY For Mining Not For PVP ECT, So the job doesn't clog and more D class are able to use and Mine. Why should we add it? - Clogging Issues, People getting mad and RDMING Miner Constantly because they won't switch. Also so they won't AFK On the job ECT. What are the advantages of having this? - Not as many people using the job to make it more available to other people Since there's a small amount off slots. Who is it mainly for? - D Class Links to any content - N/A Be honest Pleas.e -Boris
  4. + MagikCarp GO! Ex Manager Good Guy. Friendly. Activo.
  5. +Support Clearly Shows Him bombing it. Also ran a Event with 10 750 HP Zombies.
  6. +Support Great Staff. Friendly. Active on TS. Know's rules back to front. Respectful. Able to learn quickly and well. ? -Boris
  7. +Support Clean App. Good Guy. Low Warns Mass RDM portion is nailed. Over 150 Words!
  8. Thank You for being Honest with your inactivity,, I still fully respect you, And hope to see you on the server.
  9. Bor

    im so sorry

    ..... iF Your asking for a appeal Go to the appeal section.
  10. -Support This is a just another thing a SMT Has to remove. I've never had one person ask for it, So obviously not that many people ask about it. Also typing in Chat saying, *Oh it's 194, Hes a bird*
  11. +Support The CC'S just Everytime they rush they kill 1-3 Guards on AVERAGE AND take full focus off everyone to kill, 3 Gensec down and no NLR He can come up and clear them again and again. Gensec currently are struggling to fight non CC'S But once they got on (Especially since theres three D class CC'S (Active) It's mayhem.
  12. Bor

    Boris's LOA

    In-Game Name: Boris  SteamID: STEAM_1:1:199064775 Rank: Support.  Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 1-2,5 Weeks (Perms from TH3) Reason for LOA (If private that is fine):  Surgery.
  13. .................. The new trial mods obviously.
  14. +Support Finally you made your promise come true. BEST A1 CMDR. ACTIVE, REALLY MATURE. RESPECTFUL. UNDERSTANDS SITUATIONS. THE BEST. - Boris
  15. I think a Retraining would do, (I made a mistake once, And I had to reread the Handbook, ECT. I think LilFrog should do this as well, Instead of a strike, Or Demotion. He probably shouldn't of warned himself, If he wanted to get warned he could of asked a different staff member to assist him.
  16. Welcome, And to answer your title, The SKY.
  17. +Support Great Guy Understands Sits. Put's full effort into sits. Active. Just as you came off cool down (exactly thirty Days) Probably should of waited. Other then that Good luck! Any Questions, Concerns? Contact me, Either on these forums, TeamSpeak, Or Discord. - Boris
  18. As a temporary solution use the armory.
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