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Everything posted by Bor

  1. Bor

    Boris's Transfer

    Hello Everyone, The time has come for my Gensec Day's to be done and for me to move onto something new! I've wanted to do this for a while, But now it's final, I'm transferring to E11, I've had so many great, And some dim Memory's with Gensec, Thank you for the months. Special Mentions: Spire - Ding... Ding..... Ding..... Dinggg.......... Still one of my best friends on here for sure! Matrices - Good Luck with your future in Gensec an HOS. War Gamer - You got me into this server, I heavily put all my successes are because of you. JJ - We led RCF and were great friends good luck with DCOS. Krafty - Good Luck with HFTO. Cryo - Hope you get COL! FTOS= Good Luck with your future trainings DO good! RCF - Rapid Re contain Gensec - Good Luck with your future adventures I hope you guys stay as strong as you are. Not sure if this needs anything else.
  2. 3 minutes and 22 Seconds to get to D block, About 3 Minutes LCZ NLR TImer.
  3. Full +Support Here's Why, I don't specifically watch people unless I am looking at them as they are applying or deserve a promo, He came too me with a question and I said I'd like to watch him, While he was in his sits he was utmost professionalizem and the only thing he needed was experience, All of his sits were done correctly and perfect. He's really active, And Mature. I completely agree and hope he gets this promotion. Good Luck!
  4. its two Zone, If you die in HCZ AND spawn in EZ You have to follow NLR, If you die in LCZ And spawn in EZ You don't have to follow NLR, Also show me your route if it takes two minutes. - Support even more.
  5. It takes like 8 Minutes if you walk from EZ-LCZ
  6. i know who you are, Last time I met you, you shot me in the face with a DB, (It was a accident)
  7. +Support Good Guy. (NOT Sure if your active will look below, Just got back from LOA) Good Application. Q16 Nailed. 200+ Words.
  8. This seems to be a problem Please Provide Proof then SMT Will add it back, (Just to clarify their rank is completely gone on both servers not just one.
  9. -Support ?????? If you kill an admin with a Swep regardless if you didn’t now it’s their discretion if they want to warn you for it or not, Calling an admin pee pee poo poo head after killing them can be labeled as diss, will change if new info comes up
  10. Oi I’m on loa I’ve been In command longer then you
  11. Eyyy fellow PST boi all Canadian boi Lea go
  12. -Support Minge Tends to a lot off the time say inappropriate stuff. Is not fit for staff Q16 you would call a higher staff for a 10,000 second Minge I suggest you read over the staff handbook again under 150 word requirement
  13. I don't now you that well, Going off what other people say.
  14. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, Heavy V D CLASS WHO WILL WIN (Heavy puts full mag into D class) D class Puts 2 Clips of Mini SMG, D CLASS WINS. -Support Just use a negev Thats what I do,, And it works.
  15. What you want to see? - The Armory Moved. Why should we add it? - Because, When I do tryouts or other things trigger discipline, It's quite hard because of the constant foot traffic and the loud people who come in out, Too the point I block the door because I can't train. What are the advantages of having this? - So people can train in Peace without disturbance Who is it mainly for? - Anyone training Links to any content - N/A
  16. Bor

    Ban appeal

  17. This happened with Me and Castro's Staff Rank aswell. We got it fixed with Igneous.
  18. +Support YES YES YES YES. Arium is Amazing at everything he does, A1 CMDR, Leading. Discpline Good Application. I completely agree with him getting this. Warns are a wee bit Bad., And for big reasons.
  19. -Support, Legit do What I have, I just change my name Before I get PKD, (I have a bind)
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