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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. i will be on a LOA when the meeting is D; can we do it tomorrow? like 7 pm?
  2. -support it is cop bait but I still think stackable could have dealt with it a little bit better instead of just pick your car up he could have brought you into a sit instead.
  3. +support staff said that the warn was a mistake
  4. Jeff Junior

    I got ban

    -support -follow the format
  5. @Willy your side also do you have any video evidence? Duff?
  6. It has been a fun ride thanks for everything! If anyone is wondering why I am leaving you can talk to me in ts about it. If I can be put on reserves that would be pretty nice! Other then that i hope EMS will strive for a very long time !
  7. Jeff Junior

    Zage’s loa

    Hope everything is fine! see you soon zage
  8. yes agreed it should be fair that CERT has about the same armor like any other tac units on the server
  9. Hope everything is okey steve! and I hope it is nothing to serious
  10. do you mean that low/high command members in any dep can demote anyone? If so -support But if you mean that high command/low command can demote anyone in the dep that they are command in i will +support it
  11. I can't make it as it is just way to late for me. its gonna be like 4 a clock at night for me when the meeting is
  12. Rank You are Applying For: Major In-Game Name: Jeff Jr/CPT Jeff Jr SteamID: STEAM_0:1:421604434 Current Rank: CPT How long have you been in your current rank?: About 8 months (i know that is a long time) What timezone are you in?: CEST How many Warns do you have?: 1 Permission: Dane Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): First of I just wanna say yes I know that I was pretty inactive for a while mainly because I had a lot of school work to do. But know when I have summer break my activity has been getting better. And now why I think I should get promoted. I think that I have been CPT for an extremely long time I have been getting loads of experience from higher ranking members of PD command. Then, of course, I just wanna help out the PD members. I want the roleplay experience for players and PD to be the best I don't want PD members to act mingey and break rules, I want them to listen to the higherups and tac units. Then if I got major I could help a lot more when we have PD meetings. Then I always try to be super nice to every PD member I try to help them out as much as I can. Let them do ride alongs with me and other stuff. I am pretty good when it comes to solving problems within the PD department. And I can be strict when I need to be but most of the time I am pretty nice. I don't scream at any PD member as I don't really think it is needed to scream at someone. I am also DOC high command so I know how the run a (sub-department) in a good way and not be biased in any way. Then because I am in SRT so I know how to be tactical when it is a bank raid going on or a hostage/general store situation. all of the stuff that I have mentioned in my broken English text is why I think I should get Major You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  13. Follow the format !
  14. Spection you are one of the best HA in my opinion that i could always talk to and have a fun time with its sad to see you go in the staff team but i hope you will still stay and play on police rp you are a great person
  15. Yes you need to follow the format i will give you a link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeo-AmUbWEihsG7owqs-qpT1fIdJQjFfV8bf2wQwG9wKXlHkA/viewform fill out the app after that the state Col will look at it and accept or deny it State LT Jeff Jr
  16. I mean i can see it be a sup dep for State it can replace SPMU in my eyes but it could hurt my DEP so +/- support
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