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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. ^^^^ i mean it is pretty easy to know when a SMT member is going to far and not.
  2. if the link dosent work use the format pls that i posted
  3. it works for some ppl that is pretty weird
  4. should work as ppl is responding to it
  5. USE THIS LINK TO RESPOND TO THE ROLE CALL ---------------> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RmIhjBHQHDUKir9Tvr5HDFC983CvDf7LPi0SrP6hoBo/edit Use this format if the link dosent work: What is your ingame name: What rank are you in DOC: are you active? Yes/No why: Why should you stay in DOC: What do you think command should improve on:
  6. You dont need SA perm to warn a nother staff member only if they are higher then you. Then you need SA+ perm
  7. Imma be holding a training session at 4 est 1 hour before state training
  8. +support -Mature/respectful -knows the staff handbook -active -good app overall i think Billy is ready for Senior Admin as he is active on the server and is extremely mature and respectful to players and staff members. Good luck SuperAdmin Jeff Jr
  9. +support -Mature/respectful -knows the staff handbook -active -good app overall i think Ghostly is ready for Senior Admin as he is active on the server and is extremely mature and respectful to players and staff members. Good luck SuperAdmin Jeff Jr
  10. + support but i am pretty sure it can cause lag
  11. +/-support -Semi Active -Alot of warns - good app The only thing that dosent make me +support it is your activity mainly but good luck
  12. Try to contact a fto in state and they can train you
  13. -support need to follow the format
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