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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. @Chad B I will wait for you before giving an verdict
  2. Most of his Bans are 1 year + all of his military bans are 2+ years it’s better to minge or jail of that is still a thing : edit looks like it’s glitched and all is from Prp
  3. Nha I remember your ass you should stay banned for the sake of the server
  4. Bro virgin get in ts

  5. welp i pretty much got conscripted to the army now so I need to go away for a while sadly. Will miss everyone in DS OkeY This is the only Special Person that I will mention :S And that will be ecott well what can I say he is the biggest rich person that plays on a..................... Laptop ye i know a freaking laptop and that always explains why he dies by criminals all the time. But ye thanks for making such a cool TAC DEP and I will for sure get back into it after I am done with basic training Will always remember you as the MOST british person ever
  6. +/- Support If you are immature sometimes you do not deserve admin in my oppinion.
  7. -support In my oppinion if you are not being promoted to Senior Moderator you are doing something wrong as it is not a hard rank to get and I dont see you on so much. Something I would do is to ask SMT what you can work on
  8. -Support in my opinion it is not enough proof of the player saying " I can't breath" overall this report is just about this player said that and this player was saying this and it doesn't have any proof of it so -support
  9. get on my level congrats xD
  10. -Support As my experience with you havent been the best first of you did not know how to unjail , you Went afk for a while in a sit and you jailed me without any good cause so for me it will be a as I don't see or have noticed that you are 100% ready yet for Senior Moderator in anyway possible but good luck ! Retired Super Admin Jeff Jr
  11. +support handled extremely poorly feel like the staff member should get a talk to by SMT as he didn’t really do anything correctly/ is a admin so he should at least know the basic rules of the staff handbook
  12. Gotta agree with Willy.... No
  13. you just need to get x10 to be on my level
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