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Everything posted by GLaDOS

  1. +support If you use all the extinguishers ammo, it really is just SOL for recontaining 457.
  2. Massive +Support I experimented with this exact swep in a SCPRP server quite a while back. It's easy to use and improves roleplay a lot. Easy to implement and make rules/restrictions for. I also personally really like this SWEP.
  3. Pro D-Class is already near useless with his peashooter pistol, yeah you can buy an advantage over Gensec by getting a melee weapon or something of the sort. But it always comes down to this: A Lot of Guns Vs. Some Orange Bois +support
  4. You have to request access to the document. Little heads up, fix that before command comes to grade it
  5. +/- Support +You are an enjoyable person to be around. +You show dedication to Research most times. -Your behavior in-game is sometimes void of the two previous statements. Best of Luck Potato Tomato!
  6. +/- Support +Like Emoonk said, training machine. +You're and enjoyable person to be around. -I didn't see you in research for a couple of weeks up until now. -From what I've been seeing recently, your temper has gotten a little out of hand at some points. TL;DR I like you and I think you'd be a good fit for the position, I simply think you'd need to be a little more active and work on that temperament issue I saw a little earlier. Good Luck, Costco!
  7. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gQAVoAataNSFzs7mBcBS2-AUgvZWQfI98UVEFmMO_GA/edit?usp=sharing
  8. +support I walked by this person the other day, on duty they were messing around with props, thrusters and seats in LCZ. Then when I asked him against this behaviour I believe his exact words were "I don't care, they wont do anything." By the time I started recording he had deleted it all.
  9. Name: GLaDOS Current Rank: Lead Researcher Time in Research (Approximate): 250 Hours (Roughly) Why should you be research command, AKA what can you bring to the table that the rest of command can't? (100-word minimum): In my opinion, I am a very fun and welcoming person and dedicated to the Research Department. People can come to me with questions that need answering or rules that they need understood and I can help them towards understanding them. What a lot of new players look for when entering a new community are: Friendly People, Easy-To-Understand-Rules and Fun Gameplay. In research you can have all three of these, with the proper guidance from the right people we can achieve a Research Department better than ever, it all starts with finding the right people for this. Through this application I am volunteering my self as one of these people to help keep Research as fun as ever, rule abiding and an amazing community! What will you do to make research more active and better? (100 word minimum)(Tangible items like activity, expertise or the ability to run trainings, etc)?: I have a lot of ideas for making Research more active/better, as far as activity goes, I think hosting mass tests on more SCPs would help, especially for lower ranks in the Research Department, let me clarify more on what I mean by "Mass Test": I will take a bunch of lower ranking researchers (JR - AR's) and teach them how to properly carry out a test and then showing them through the process and afterwards we will hold a brainstorm session to come up with test Ideas of their own. I will pick a couple of good ones and we'll do those while I supervise. Of course I will keep it within the testing range of those present mostly Safe/Euclid SCPs. | As far as better, more activity from not just Enlisted Ranks but also Command. I encourage those of all ranks to flag on and do some testing, while I understand this can get tiresome we need to find more ways to get them interested more, more events and special researcher specific stuff (example: Gensec has their own "Olympics"). As I understand it, activity is really the only thing that needs bettering.
  10. Might be time for a map change then
  11. Idk what feed does, so If you read this I may or may not be completely stupid.


  12. -support I can support a small punishment such as a warn or maybe a strike, but I can't understand those screenshots enough to support anything. If it comes even comes down to it: +support for minor punishment.
  13. In the lore, if his cell isn't cleaned he can multiply. +support
  14. Yes but at the same time, they have other means of contacting A1 HCMD, every MTF branch has access to /mtf and if only MTF E-11 & Nu-7 HCMD has access to /a1 comms then why are we told not to speak of A1 Redacted Information in /a1 comms? I actually quite like this idea, as long as there is a way it wont be abused. If I'm not mistaken, other Non-A1 Non-HCMD personnel do not know the existance of 05 or Alpha-1. Meaning that an Nu-7 SGT or an E-11 PFC has zero knowlegde of these people. So how are they supposed to go "Don't mind if I just keep this special one away from the 05 because otherwise shit could go wrong"? I completely agree, any MTF personnel that are Level 4+ should have access to it, because they are aware that 05 and Alpha-1 exist. But if this were the case to begin with we wouldn't be told not to speak of redacted things in /a1 comms. As a final note: It may seem like im taking this to seriously or maybe to the extreme but I am simply expressing my opinion in this matter in a neutral way. So if anything I said here comes off as rude, disrespectful or hostile. I 100% didn't mean it. Take care and thank you for making it to the end of this long-ass reply!
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