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Everything posted by GLaDOS

  1. Grade: (90%) A- Test Quality: Quality Lore: 15/20 SCP- 173's means of moving around, to me, feels like it wouldn't have stayed inside the hamster wheel. It would've found the most effective way was to go around it. Also its a statue, I don't think it would've moved the wheel. For the rest of the test log, we'll just assume it did stay on it. Creativity: 20/20 I've got to say, it's a creative thought, it sort of feels possible. Presentation: 15/20 I'm not the biggest fan of bland test logs, you could try to Spice It Up A Bit other than that, it was fine. Writing: 40/40 I saw no problem with the writing, good job!
  2. Grade: (95%) A Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This feels possible to me, not like its out of bounds or crossed any line, it sounds like it could happen. Creativity: 20/20 Using 999 as a means of stopping 173 from breaking someone's neck, needless-to-say, hasn't been thought of before. I like this test idea. Presentation: 20/20 Test log is easy for me to read because of the bold/bigger font that you used, a little small for my taste but it was well done. Writing: 35/40 The only thing I saw is you put the D-Class personnel where you should've put your escorts/anyone else you were with and left the D-Class spot blank. I know its not a bad thing, but formats are meant to be followed. None-the-less everything else seems to be in order.
  3. Grade: (80%) B- Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 The lore here is splendid, it's different than what we normally see as far as Peanut goes. But it isn't irrational, I like it. Creativity: 20/20 This is a really interesting test idea, I really wish it was pushed just a little farther, none-the-less this is a great test. Presentation: 10/20 The test log is really bland, you could try messing with the text a little more. Writing: 30/40 Despite the quality of the test, it was really hard to read for me. So many white-texted lines right next to each other actually kind of gave me a headache. Either way, a great test conducted here, keep doing tests!
  4. Grade: 75% | C Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 I suppose this would be possible with the lore. Creativity: 20/20 No one has really used 1162 for disposal before, nice job. Presentation: 5/20 Was quite short and had very little description of what actually happened. Writing: 30/40 I spotted some capitalization errors as well as some grammar and spelling.
  5. Grade: (95%) A Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 I see no problem with the lore. Creativity: 20/20 I really like this idea, it feels possible just not thought of until now. Good job! Presentation: 20/20 The way this test log is presented make it feel like a official test document. Writing: 35/40 No grammar errors or misspelling I can see. Just a little on the short side for me. Other than that, nice job.
  6. Grade: (80%) B- Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 Everything here follows lore well. Creativity: 5/20 This really isn't all that original of a test for me, because in the lore we already know nearly all of the drinks possible from 294. Typically when doing 294 test you want to try and utilize the drinks for a purpose. Presentation: 15/20 I like the formatting and way this google doc is made, makes it look a lot more official. But it is a little short for my liking. Writing: 40/40 No errors I can see, I also love the way you wrote and worded this test log. I really enjoyed reading it. All things considered, this was well done.
  7. What is your in-game name?: GLaDOS What is your steam name?: [GL] GLaDOS What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:89411271 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I have over 400+ hours of staffing on other servers, they all mostly worked with ULX so I've near mastered it. I also made it to the ranks of up to T-Admin, before the community(s) died out. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Roughly, Late November/Early December of 2019. What date did you make your forums account?: Joined December 3, 2018 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not an RP Rank)? event team How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?: I have zero warns. (sorry for bad quality) Have you donated?: Yes, $322 (I'm poor now) What rank are you applying for?: Trial- Moderator Are you staff in another community (BE HONEST)?: Not Currently Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it: Yes, Read & Understood. Timezone: Arizona Time/MST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): Deserving? I don't "deserve" much, but I do ask that I be given a chance to help the Staff Team and the players requesting their help. I've been here a while, with 2 Weeks of playtime I can say, this community is growing on me. During my time as Event Team, I can have access to the staff pop-up windows. A lot of time, there is a lot of sits coming through and little staff to deal with them, mostly because of either 1, there aren't enough staff on or 2, they are on but AFK/dealing with other stuff/sits. I feel my knowledge with Staffing and ULX can prove beneficial to the community, its players and the SMT. This community and its players are unique and I want to see this community thrive even more so than it already is, we just need to iron out some of the 'kinks' if you will. In conclusion, as I said, I don't deserve much. I'm just asking for a chance. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: Well by now it's clear to me that they aren't taking this seriously, it's probably because they joined just to break rules. So at this time, I will alert them that what they have done, is a serious infraction against our rules and I'll issue a punishment accordingly. In the event they genuinely didn't understand the rules, I would link them the rules for the server and ask them to read it, I would also explain to him was MassRDM is and why its bad, by then end of the sit I will issue a warn for Mass RDM and watch this player closely in the future for violations they now know of.
  8. Grade: (90%) A- Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This followed 1048s lore perfectly, it can 100% tell the difference between fake and real ears. I the fact it tried to run off with it. Creativity: 15/20 This test has been done before, but I will give you credit for this because I gave you permission for you to do it. Presentation: 15/20 I liked the formatting and way you made your google doc. Makes it look like an official document. Writing: 40/40 There were no errors I could spot in this document. Overall well done!
  9. Grade: (85) B Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 I saw nothing wrong with the lore in this test. Creativity: 20/20 I haven't considered using blood types to combat 1025s diseases. It's a good idea, I'm actually kind of sad it failed. Presentation: 10/20 I liked the pictures, though you could've done something to spruce up the text a little. Either way good job. Writing: 35/40 Couple spelling/grammar errors nothing really to bad though.
  10. Grade: (-) (%): 88% Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 To my knowledge, this followed the lore of 096 quite well, as this really hasn't been attempted before. Creativity: 20/20 I really liked this test idea, I haven't seen anyone ask this question before, well done! Presentation: 10/20 The test log could've been a little longer, I also really like the way this is colored and formated. Makes it look like a log straight from the wiki. Writing: 38/40 I saw a couple of grammatical errors, nothing more really.
  11. Massive +Support I don't know about the rest of you, but Research has been lacking a cool update like this for a while now. I, for one, am now seriously hoping this gets implemented because I can't wait to try out for some of these positions personally.
  12. GLaDOS

    My 100th Post!

    Hello and Greetings, You may not know me or maybe you do, regardless I'd like to say that I have been here for a while and this community is growing on me. I have accumulated 2 weeks+ on the SCP RP server and I hope to be getting plenty more with you all and look forward to seeing you at my next milestone post! Stay cool and look forward to seeing you all in game once again! Your very own, Genetic Lifeform and Disc Operating Systm -GLaDOS
  13. +/- Supporr +detailed application +I like the event idea, played right could be pretty cool. -I haven't seen you on much recently, could be to the time zone difference Regardless, I think you'd be a good addition to the Event Team. -Good Luck!
  14. What you want to see? - 035's self breach rules being properly fulfilled. Why should we add it? - 035 players are constantly being stopped from breaching due to the fact that you can just kill him and it still being "lore friendly". While it is lore friendly, its frankly kind of stupid. What are the advantages of having this? - 035 players can actually get a d-class or self breech properly. Who is it mainly for? - 035 Players Links to any content - N/A
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