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Everything posted by GLaDOS

  1. Oh boy! I get to grade a test from Slurmp, lets begin! Grade: (100%) A+ Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 I feel like this follow the lore so well, that it additionally created new lore for SCP- 049. Creativity: 20/20 I cant say I haven't seen this kind of test conducted before, however, none of which took it this far and did it this well. Nice job! Presentation: 20/20 I loved the format that you used as well as the color, fonts and sizes you used (thanks to pixel). It is also very well Redacted. Writing: 40/40 Spelling and Grammar are on point, the only thing you could've done better is punctuation, but I'm not going to deduct points because of two unplaced periods. Note: This is a simple test, however, you took it very far and made it very interesting. Needless to say, I think this is a very well done test!
  2. Grade: (90%) A- Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 I like the way this test went, not over stepping the boundaries too much, but pushing them to create new lore. Creativity: 20/20 I'm starting to like reading your tests, this is a very creative Idea in my opinion. Presentation: 15/20 I like everything else about your test log, except for the point I brought up in my previous grading of your other test, the only reason points are deducted here is because of the awkward color scheme. It actually sort of hurt my eyes towards the end of the log. A fix for this would be to go to the tool bar towards the top of the page and follow these directions: File>Page Setup>Page Color and fit the page color to your texts background color, to get the colors smoothly together. Writing: 35/40 Some minor spelling and grammar errors.
  3. Grade: (90%) A- Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This follow the lore of SCP -173 quite well. Creativity: 20/20 Needless to say, I dont think I've seen a SCP- 173 test quite like this one before. Very nice! Presentation: 15/20 I liked the Audio Log bit, the only reason points are deducted here is because of the awkward color scheme. It actually sort of hurt my eyes towards the end of the log. A fix for this would be to go to the tool bar towards the top of the page and follow these directions: File>Page Setup>Page Color and fit the page color to your texts background color, to get the colors smoothly together. Writing: 35/40 I spotted a little bit of spelling errors, nothing major but definitly note-worthy.
  4. +/- support, I think they should more assist in interogation, because why would medical do interogation and torture to begin with, doesnt seem like their area of expertise? I feel like the Red Right Hand would be more suited than Medical or Research
  5. Massive +Support! I might be biased, but I love the changes to 05 Research, and the other branches. Thinking logically if we are technically Level 4/5 Personnel than we should be able to command lower ranks of branches. I'm excited for this! Good Luck!
  6. +/- Support Leaning Towards +Support +Research Command +Good Person & Reputation +I think you have good hours -I've seen you mingy on the job lately, or correct me if I'm wrong though. Good Luck, Trev! Hope to See You There As Well!
  7. In Game Name: GLaDOS Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:89411271 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+) :Research How many Strikes do you have: 1 - Missed the URS Meeting Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: To serve under the 05 Council is one of the greatest honors Foundation Personnel can achieve, to work under the Council for me would be just the same. It would put more purpose back into my role on the GamingLight SCP-RP server and It would make my personal experience better, however, I'm not in it for myself alone. The reason I would like this position is that I would be beneficial to the Foundation being in this position, helping everyone who works under it. Why should we accept you: I see myself as a great candidate for the following reasons; I am a very experienced Researcher, plus I am in Command, I have good time on the server (3 weeks total, 504 hours) and I have been a Research Field Agent for quite some time, back when it was called ROAA. I am a reasonable person, long-fused person and I can treat any situation with maturity and respect. To put it simply, I believe I would be nothing but a valuable asset should I be given this position.
  8. +support Because is the Red Right Hand, duh : P +Cheif is pretty active. +Trustworthy +Has good time on the server. I think he'll make a good Addition to Omicron-9 or Alpha-1 or whatever it is now : | Good Luck, Cheif!
  9. +Support +good activity +cool dude -the spacing is killing my OCD Good Luck, Jack!
  10. GLaDOS


    Name: GLaDOS Rank: Member Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 4/13/20-> 4/20/20 (Nice) Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Just kind of burnt out on GMOD For right now, gotta take some time off.
  11. Grade: (65%) D Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 This followed the lore as expected. Creativity: 20/20 I feel like this test has been repetative for a while, however, it hasnt been done in a while so I'll give this one to you. Presentation: 5/20 This test log is super small and lacks detail, putting a little more effort in a test log can go a long way. Writing: 20/40 Some note-worthy writting errors here and there, however the lack of detail does carry over here as well. None-the-less good job!
  12. Grade: (95%) A Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This followed 513's lore well. Creativity: 20/20 I really liked the creativity of this test, I cant say I've seen too many tests that provide this much information on how this kind of test works. Presentation: 20/20 I loved the style of this Test Log, the fonts, colors, text manipulation all really pulled it together. The photos were also a nice touch, some repositioning and it could really be perfect! Writing: 35/40 Nothing too major here, just some note-worthy spelling and gramatical errors.
  13. Grade: (100%) A+ Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 The only thing I know is that SCP-049 in the lore, doesnt hate all life, he simply wants to "cure" it. Creativity: 20/20 I've seen a lot of SCP-999 & 049 Cross tests like this before, but none to this extent. Presentation: 20/20 I love this excellent use of the colors, pictures, fonts and etc. used. It really shines compared to my first couple of logs like this! Writing: 40/40 I really could only spot a couple minor spacing and punctuation errors, not worthy of deduction points though. Great Job!!
  14. Test Assigned for Grading Note: I can edit this file when I download, intentional or not, I think you should post a shareable link if possible. Just a suggestion
  15. Grade: (85%) B Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 This follows SCP- 999's lore well. Creativity: 10/20 I've seen many different, "What kind of X candy does 999 like the best." tests. The tests are supposed to be for the Betterment of the Foundation or Society, I personally don't see that here. Presentation: 15/20 This test log is quite bland, in the future maybe you could add pictures or mess with the fonts a little. Writing: 40/40 I saw nothing more than a couple minor spacing issues and maybe a small spelling error here and there. None-the-less good job!
  16. Grade: (80%) B- Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 To my knowledge, this followed lore as expected. Creativity: 20/20 This is a good example of "The Benefit of the Foundation", using 1025 to create better medicines and medical technology would help us a lot! Presentation: 20/20 I like the looks of this test log, nice and flashy. Easy to read font and stands out a lot. Writing: 20/40 The only think noteworthy here is that my Spell-Checking software found a total of 61 Spelling errors. Mostly everywhere that there is a comma, not only that but you can see in a lot of places where there is punctuation and capitalization errors. But other than this, I'd say its very well done!
  17. +Support I believe Illager would be a good addition to the Event Team for the following reasons: +Known Person +Trustworthy +Good Application -Event Idea has been done a lot but none-the-less a good event.
  18. I really like this idea, however, I recently made a post proposing Anderson Robotics as a GOI based branch. It got denied due to Igneous saying that the server does not need another Branch at the moment. So due to this reason, -Support Igneous' Response: " Yeah sorry but to be completely honest, I've been thinking more about another GOI after people have been suggesting them, and I've determined along with the other SMT that us adding in another GOI right now wouldn't be overall beneficial to the server as it currently stands. HOWEVER (And yes this is a big however) I do overall like this idea. However just because I like the idea, doesn't mean it will work in how the server currently operates. In the event that we decide it is time to add another GOI, I will most likely bring this suggestion back up. It seems that you hashed out a good amount of the issues found within it, and I appreciate that a lot. This was a VERY good suggestion, with tons of effort and feedback from the community. It's just not what the server currently needs in my opinion. Again though, maybe a little bit further down the line I will re-evaluate this."
  19. Grade: (85%) Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 This followed lore in my opinion, didn't really overstep the boundaries to much, I like it. Creativity: 20/20 I have to say I've seen this test done a lot before, but not in this way, very creative! Presentation: 10/20 This test log was long and detailed, however, it was very hard for me to read. I recommend the use of more punctuation. Writing: 35/40 Besides the punctuation difficulty I didnt really spot much else, good job!
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