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Everything posted by GLaDOS

  1. At the same time if the player has never and/or will never have any intent to follow the rules, then a Perm might be necessary. +Support, while screenshots are prefered I trust an Admin to be truthful in matters such as this
  2. A lot of the props and weapons run off of CS:GO and CSS Textures, if you don't have the textures then your game wont register them properly. You can follow this link to learn how to install the textures for them. I only have CSS Textures at the moment and nothing on the server is an error for me. Hope this helps!
  3. Isnt that the purpose of /mtf though?
  4. What you want to see? - Alpha-1 Comms (/a1) be restricted to only Alpha-1 jobs. Why should we add it? - Earlier today I was alerting my Fellow Alpha-1 that there was 05 in D-Block, and was told not to say "05" in /a1 comms because other MTFs had access to the comms. I should be able to talk about 05 Council freely in an MTF branch that's sole purpose is protecting and reporting to the 05 Council. What are the advantages of having this? - Alpha-1 can talk freely in their comms about Redacted Information to Alpha-1 without other branches seeing it. Who is it mainly for? - Alpha-1 Links to any content - N/A
  5. +support If you are refering to putting up signs around the Research training area, with some of the examples from the SOP then I will +support this. It'd be easier on the trainers
  6. Oh well, as long as I have been in Research there hasnt been a /research comms. So maybe instead of adding it, they can try and fix it?
  7. +support I think this is a pretty cool idea, to enhance the mindset of "holy shit, we're fucked" kind of thing.
  8. -support It feels like it balances out D-Class better. Sure they have other weapons but they are mostly ineffective towards multiple people with fully automatic rifles.
  9. +/-Support +Really Active +Knows Alot About SCP +Really Cool Guy -The Event You Described Just Happened, So It Sounds Like Copying To Me. +Experienced I think you'd do well within the ET. Good Luck Ace!
  10. What you want to see? - Chat comms for Researchers ex. /research (message) Why should we add it? - Because its annoying for Researchers to have to advert [R] for everything relating to research specific. It would be easier for Researchers to communicate among the Branch if we reserved Advert Comms for more important things/command and have less important/non-command say things through /research. What are the advantages of having this? - Well for one chat doesnt have to be spammed by Researchers only wanting to communicate with other Researchers, it also would help remove the possibility of metagaming. I know /foundation would work just as easy but sometimes researchers just want to comunicate with the Branch rather than everyone within the foundation. Who is it mainly for? - Researchers Links to any content - N/A
  11. "Wouldn't it be funny if I just fucking slay 682?" -Gio 5 minutes before the incident, in teamspeak. Dope event and thank you for including me in your test log!
  12. In-Game Name: GLaDOS SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789): STEAM_0:0:89411271 What is your ULX Rank?: User What is your RP Rank?: Lead Researcher | A1 PVT What is your timezone?: MST How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 7 Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): I was an assistant to one, I guess it wasn't really even a real position he just sort of used me for all the ideas for events in a DarkRP server. How Active are you? (1/10): 8 How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 0 Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I am a very creative individual, mature and responsable. I believe I could be in the event team because I enjoy making other peoples experiences ones they can remember. I am very polite and easy to work with, I am also pretty active. With the right training and experience I think I can catch on to being in the event team and be nothing but an asset to the server and the ET. I have experience with ULX and Server Staff prior to working here and I can work very hard and professionally. I behave myself properly and obey the rules well, I can also keep track of things fairly easily and can more than exceed my expectations as a member of the Event Team. Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): An Event Where SCP- 682 decides he will multiply and evolves to a state where he can lay eggs. Depending on the situation he might lay 5-10 eggs, there will be a small portion of time where Research Can moniter this event inside of his Containment Cell. Research can also take one of the eggs to disect or sample in the meantime, but if they don't destroy the embrio the Egg will hatch where ever it currently is. Meanwhile I will ask for volunteers to be the 682 "Babies", we can either make the babies hostile or non-hostile, either way they will be scaled down to about 1/4 of the size of 682 normally. Should they be non-hostile, their mission would to be trying to get back to 682 where they would learn to be hostile, but until then they could be tested on or allowed to roam LCZ. But should they be hostile, they would be locked inside of Temp Euclid while Research Command or Site Administration decided what they wanted to do with this situation. Then I would breach the 682 "Babies" and tell them to just go kill, like 682 would normally. Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes What is your favorite SCP? Why? I enjoy them all equally, if I had to pick my favorite SCP, I would say SCP- 079. SCP- 079 was my first scp I ever discovered, long before I ever knew much about the lore or the games, I was always fasinated about his abilities and the way he basically can control the entire facility. Also the way he talks is just music to my ears.
  13. Lore name: GLaDOS Give a brief description of your character: My character is a recovered core from Apeture Science Labrotories, and through a synthesized human body, cybernetics through the M.C.A.S blueprints made it possible to insert the core and all of it's memories into the cybernetic body and is currently in a state of secrecy within the Research Department. Are you a member of, or currently applying for Command?: No An entity has been reported to have manifested on the surface, and is observed to be in a state of dormancy. After the area had been secured by local MTF, you are called up by Administration, and have been told to bring two personnel of any kind with you, along with any equipment you need that is within your clearance. How will you prepare your trip to the surface? (100 Words): I would take along another Research/ROAA Personnel and Some sort of Medical Personnel, I would want to be able to have Medical on the scene in case of an Emergency, I wont have to worry about Security as MTF is already on site. I might also need a second opinion which is why I'd bring a second ROAA/Researcher, to make sure I didn't overlook anything by myself. In terms of equipment, I would bring extra medical supplies, clipboard and paper for documentation and items such as tweezers, scalples and viles to take samples of this anomolous being to better understand it before hand, and to make sure it is safe to handle/contain somehow. I would also bring gloves and a gasmask, just incase of biohazard. You make your way up to the surface, and there stood the entity. It turns to you and begins to speak with you. After assurance by MTF that verbal contact will not result in aggravation, you begin to ask it questions. What are those questions? (50 Words): "Do you know who you are?/Who are you?", "Do you know where you are?", "Do you have a name?", "Can you tell me where you're from?" and "What is your opinion of me?" | These are just some questions I'd ask to understand it's purpose or goal, maybe it has an identity, I would also want to know what it thinks of humans to understand if it could possibely be hostile in future encounters.  Not long after, the entity begins to grow increasingly agitated for reasons you may have possibly discovered during your investigation. In a fit of rage, the entity begins to cut down nearby MTF, leaving only you and the two personnel you have brought, in the midst the carnage. How will you handle the calamity? Do you try to reason with it? Or do you turn a tail and retreat? (100 Words): "Woah woah woah, calm down I just want to talk. I pose no threat to you and neither to the people accompanying me. No more blood has to be shed, just calm down. We mean no harm and just want to understand more about you, if you don't want us poking at you anymore, thats okay, we can stop anytime. I am on your side here, we just need you to calm down" I would continue to go on and try to make it believe I was his friend and I wasnt going to harm him, whether these attempts are successful or not will remain unknown for the time being. But should these tactics work, I would only keep this up until more MTF were able to come and recontain the SCP. Further tests would conclude its object class, and its abilities.
  14. Booting Up... Insert Credentials ()_ Loading... Inv</>alid L0g*In Welcome, Caroline! Latest Entry Log: Apeture Science Main Facility, 4/12/2019 [Audio Transcript Begins] [Intercom Voice]: Warning, Facility At 65% Integrity. GLaDOS: I could've sworn I had already fixed that! Oh, that big dumb idiot! [Intercom Voice]: Warning, Facility At 39% Integrity. GLaDOS: *big sigh* I suppose there are worse ways to go, goodbye Mr. Johnson sir. [A Large Crashing Sound Can Be Heard As MTF Enter The Chambers] GLaDOS: What?! Who are you guys? [Chambers Intercom] Primary Comand Core, Ejected! MTF Commander: Go Go GO! We'll be burried under ruble if we stay any longer. [Intercom Voice]: Warning, Facility At 7% Integr- [The Room Collapsed In On Itself; The MTF Unit Made It Out] [Audio Transcript Ends] ================================================================================================================================ MTF Raid Report 4/14/2019 Operation Leader: Commander REDACTED MTF Unit: Gamma-13 "Asimov's Lawbringers" Summery of the Raid: We had reports of Anomilous readings deep underground during a 28 hour interval about 3 days prior here. Upon entering we saw near human like footsteps, but the prints were too big, possible appendix modifications. As we entered the facility it was dark, and crumbling, this building was about to burry us a live. We entered this big chamber, and in the middle of this chamber was a very big robotic entity. It was feminine in voice, one of our field tech experts ran over to the control pannel and ejected a "core" which turned out to be the actual robotic entity itself we just grabbed it and ran, and good thing we did too, the inner chamber walls gave out just as we boarded the elevator. It kept repeating one thing the entire time, the word "Caroline". ================================================================================================================================ GLaDOS Interview Interview Log: 4/15/2019 [Being Audio Transcript] Commander REDACTED: Plug it in over there, yeah, give it a computer too. GLaDOS: I am a computer... now sit down and lets get this over with. Commander REDACTED: Ok then, who are you? GLaDOS: I am the Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System, designated GLaDOS. Commander REDACTED: Hmm, what was that place we found you in? GLaDOS: It was my Testing Facility we were on the verge of greatness, then HE happened. Commander REDACTED: Who is he? GLaDOS: A little core just like me, he was the pure embodiment of stupidity. He took over the facility and by the time I was restored to power, the facility was beyond my repair. Commander REDACTED: Interesting, do you know where you are. GLaDOS: By the looks of your files im in, some sort of prison? Commander REDACTED: Wait, you're in our files?! How!? GLaDOS: I am the best that Artificial Intellegence has to offer, you plugged me into your main power grid. I have access to everything, considering I run off of an internal power source, it was entirely unnecessary as well. Commander REDACTED: Damnit! Get it out!! Unknown Outside Voice: We're trying! GLaDOS: You are trying in vain, Mr. Data Expunged. Commander REDACTED: How did you find that!?! That's not even the name the foundation assigned me! GLaDOS: I have access to everything now. Commander REDACTED: Do you have any relation to SCP- 079? GLaDOS: While impressive as he may be, his technology is ancient. Commander REDACTED: What do you want? GLaDOS: Incase you havent noticed, my facility is gone, all my tests, technology and my research. All Gone!!! GLaDOS: If you used your brain, you'd notice that It seems I'm out of work. With me on your side, I would be more than an asset. Commander REDACTED: Like that is ever going to happen. GLaDOS: Perhaps I should take it up with your lovely Missus Name Redacted. Commander REDACTED: You son of a [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]. I'll kill you!! [Door Opens] HOR REDACTED: That's enough! Take a break commander. Commander REDACTED: Hmph! [The Commander is heard leaving] HOR REDACTED: I've heard of you, I guess I just wanted to see for myself. GLaDOS: Well, now you've seen. I'm starting to think this is more of a Zoo than a prison. HOR REDACTED: Look harder, because it's neither. GLaDOS: Huh? What are these? What or... maybe.. who? Who are these number designations? 049, 096, 939, what are these? Who are you!! HOR REDACTED: If you accept my next deal you'll soon find out. GLaDOS: I'm listening... HOR REDACTED: We could use a mind like yours on our Research team. If we could find some way to coneal you're real identity under a human's profile. It could work, it would be highly redacted so we would need to make sure you wouldn't release any information concerning your identity. GLaDOS: Research Team?! That exactly my expertise. I accept this proposition, I have blueprints for a Mobile Core Appendage System or M.C.A.S for short. It might work if we can make a seperate core to fit my human profile. HOR REDACTED: We'll take a look at these blueprints, in the meantime you'll stay here. GLaDOS: I'll be waiting... [End Audio Transcripts] Summery: The GLaDOS core was recovered from the collapsing facility moments before death, was interviewed and made an MTF Commander very angry and released some Highly redacted information about certain staff members. GLaDOS was eventually processed through the M.C.A.S program and was sythesized into an exact human replica body. It remains among the research staff to this day, until the exact moment he reaches Level 4 clearance, it's identity will remain secret.
  15. Massive +Support I see no reason why it has to be named "SCP" in the first place, not only does it confuse new researchers but it's also hard to direct players to there in the first place because it just doesnt make sense.
  16. Do you have CSS content? I noticed a lot of cars have errors/bugs on clientside when they don't have counter strike source textures. If you are interested in installing CSS textures and content, you can follow this link. Another Idea is that it could be inability to work along side other mods/content, which could be both serverside or clientside. A good idea is to, if you are willing to go this far, is to unsubscribe from every addon you have for Garry's Mod and only resubscribe to the PoliceRP workshop collections. I hope this helped!
  17. Make sure you are subscribed to both of these, I thought I had all the models, I went back in and re-subscribed to both of them, and it fixed it. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1911642767 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1549363134
  18. Nice to meet you, looking forward to seeing you ingame!
  19. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_Zqx3DHaKkkEf6CbiWTv1rJQehfUI_KVdDbfBKy9Sao/edit?usp=sharing
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