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Everything posted by GLaDOS

  1. Grade: (90%) A- Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This lore feels plausible and not too far out of what is expected. Creativity: 20/20 This is a pretty good test idea, Im glad you went through with it. Presentation: 15/20 The test log was a little bland, you could try messing with the fonts. Writing: 35/40 Nothing really major as far as writing errors.
  2. Grade: (85%) B Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 The lore here was adequite and followed both SCPs well. Creativity: 15/20 I, personally, would've guessed the results of this test. However, no one really thought of this before, so good job. Presentation: 10/20 The test log is a little bland, you could try messing with the fonts a little. Writing: 40/40 I didnt see many errors and none that were really terrible. Nice work!
  3. SCP- 053 Child that controls animals and is kinda toxic to others. SCP - ●●|●●●●●|●●|● I just love the mysteriousness of this thing. SCP- 914 I actually would like to see this implemented some how, but it would be abused like hell.
  4. Most of these are either, already implemented or just implemented but no specified. However, I REALLY like Number 6 and 7, these could have potential with this and I will suggest these should this idea get implemented.
  5. Quick Update! During this time, I've been working on a starting SOP. Note: This SOP is subject to change by the SMT or High Command should it get implemented. SOP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pdiRSEipK25FlBe1ENPREtr6jIgzcrB4KwI6p5Myxy4/edit?usp=sharing
  6. Grade: (85%) B Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 I feel like this lore is possible but not overstepping the boundaries too much. Creativity: 20/20 This idea has been done before, but I have yet to see it produce good results such as this. Presentation: 15/20 This test seems more like it is a joke than being serious. Writing: 30/40 Minimal writing errors, otherwise good job.
  7. Grade: (65%) D- Test Quality: Sub-Standard Lore: 20/20 The lore was followed as expected. Creativity: 10/20 This to me was a demonstration of SCP- 1025s basic abilities, we already know about these, the point of testing is to find out new and fresh information. Presentation: 10/20 The test log was short and lacked detail. Writing: 25/40 The log's writing was well enough, with minimal amounts of errors.
  8. Grade: (55%) F Test Quality: Sub-Standard Lore: 10/20 In the lore, the second the D-Class blinked he should've died. Resulting in what should have been less than a minute of survival. Creativity: 15/20 The thought is interesting, yet not plausible. Presentation: 10/20 The test log is very short and lacks detail, not to mention the format wasn't followed correctly. Writing: 20/40 Whether it was intentional or not, most of the test log is capitalized. To me, this just looks sloppy. Constructive Criticism: To me, this log looks rushed, to avoid this in the future, simply spend a little more time on the test log. If you have any questions or are confused about this process feel free to contact me or any of the other command/researchers.
  9. Grade: (100%) A+ Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 The lore was spot on here. Creativity: 20/20 I like the idea, however, personal preference: I don't particularly like it when a D-Class is the main aspect of a test, this was great none-the-less and produced good results. Nice job! Presentation: 20/20 I like the addition of photos, you could have messed with the fonts a little more, but it's not a necessity. Writing: 40/40 I spotted really nothing major as far as spelling, grammar, etc. goes.
  10. Grade: (100%) A+ Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This followed SCP- 173's lore well in my opinion. Creativity: 20/20 This was an interesting idea, I like it. Presentation: 20/20 I can tell there was an effort put into this test log. Writing: 40/40 I liked the different fonts you used, and I also didn't spot any errors of any kind well done!
  11. Lore Name: GLaDOS Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:89411271 Rank: RAM Activity Level: 7/10
  12. Grade: (70%) C- Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 Followed the lore of 1162 well. Creativity: 10/20 SCP- 1162's abilities aren't a secret, they're a known fact. Basically we didn't learn much from this test. Presentation: 10/20 The test log was small, also it lacked detail. Writing: 30/40 I saw a lot of capitalization errors, as well as some spelling errors.
  13. @Felwinter, I loved reading every second of this post, I wish to work on this idea with you more and edit this post. I'm going to be in TeamSpeak, In-game and on discord today. Poke me in TS, speak to me in game or please add me on discord GLaDOS#0795. Thanks for posting this because I think more of a passive GOI rather than 100% hostile would do us good.
  14. #1. A lot of people aren't donators. #2. If they weren't, the first while of it being active would primarily be Applications. #3. Because CI is much better and more reliable.
  15. #1. There are a couple solutions I see to this: We make it a donator branch, like how E11 is, bronze+ We make a Recruit Job, so people/donators (#1) can just flag up and get trained. We continue to do D-Class #2. I thought we were all mature and able to reason with each other. Also, the raid timers will need to be changed with further input from SMT, so there will be a balance.
  16. #1. I've already talked to Skela about this, he thinks it's an Amazing idea, also personally, I don't think it would affect CIs player count as much as you make it be. As this would be a SUPER small branch to start with and the only recruitment method I see working within the first couple weeks to a month would be forums applications anyway. I have started brainstorming alternate methods of recruitment as well so that will change if the demand arises. #2. The raiding system will be coordinated and fair for everyone, including Foundation, because Anderson Robotics being Semi-neutral in the lore, to begin with, they are willing to work with people provided they work with them. So we might even be able to access CI comms to help coordinate raids better, if not there is always direct comms "[AR>CI]". I was thinking either A, 20-minute cooldown timer for the branch who raids and a 15-minute cooldown timer for raiding the foundation, so that would leave a 5-minute window for either opposite GOI to raid, and BTW I don't see back-to-back raiding happening constantly either so It would be slower than this too. Now B, we increase everyone's timer to 25 minutes cooldown, which people aren't going to like but its for balance issues. #3. Like Hoovy said, "there are 31 listed GOIs on the Wiki other than Anderson Robotics and Chaos Insurgents". #4. The "extra steps" are what's going to make it fun, I'm seeing a bigger picture here. Should this get implemented I see a thriving new branch with better and unique experiences that Chaos Insurgency can't offer. The small picture here is hard work, dedication, and change, if we play our cards right and this gets implemented it would be huge. Plus when people start hearing about a new branch, an immediate spike in player count and excitement is to be expected.
  17. You are missing something though, Igneous himself requested that I make an Anderson Robotics post...
  18. To begin with this will be a VERY small branch, it will be taken slow. For the time being there will really be no "stealing from CI" if it becomes to much a problem we can possibly find an alternative recruitment method if necessary.
  19. Dm me in discord GLaDOS#0795
  20. Update! -Removed Engineering Enlisted Ranks (To Shorten In For Now) -Added System Where Engineering Is Left to Command Only You now have to work up through the Military to eventually get to apply for Engineering. Changes will be made in future Events!
  21. Update! -Removed Engineering Enlisted and Low Command Positions -Reduced the Amount of High Command Positions to the 3 Essentials Notes: I'm getting the impression that people think the Engineering branch is R&D. This isn't the case, I compared it to R&D because I had no other reference. Engineering is the people, in the lore, who are creating the robots because they needed a place to come from.
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