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Everything posted by GLaDOS

  1. Do you know how far the admin rooms are away from everything else? It'd take a while for 106 to get there. +support, for the ability to go through walls, I also wouldnt be apposed to a slight speed increase.
  2. +/- Support I see a lot of people thinking this is unessesary, I also see a bunch of people who like the idea. I think its a decent idea, but then you get a bunch of people saying, "I came from the mystical land of narnia and I have an infinite knowledge of all SCPs". If this wasn't an enforcable rule we'd have to believe it within RP, I think it would get to the point of feeling more like homework than a video game. So Im sorta leaning towards -support, but I wouldnt be apposed to having this implemented in some way.
  3. -Support So I think pixelated pancakes said it best, the SCPs are already overpowered as it is but to a certain extent. At the moment, it all kind of balances itself out. With as many MTF there can be and as many SCPs can breach at a time, this is sort of what the nuke is for as well. We dont need to buff or debuff anyone at the moment, except maybe 076 just a little. But because of the suggestions being unbalanced, I had to go with -support.
  4. -Support I think that Jakub said it best, SCP- 939 in the lore and SCP wiki says that this SCP has an accute sense of hearing, and solely relies on this hearing ability of his. Due to this nature he can hear near to anything. Also I find this a little unbalanced, if it was just SCP- 939, one or both of them if they couldn't hear the tranqs then they would be powerless if you crouch walked and didnt speak. It's just a little too unbalanced and against the lore for me, so I had to go with -support.
  5. +support I find it hard to believe that MTF are the only ones who know how to use a fire extinguisher on 457
  6. What you want to see? - I want to see a player limit added to being able to knock out the power, in the early morning there are zero tech on, and sometimes even in the late afternoon. Which Is why I propose we add a 40+ player limit to being able to knock out the power, it doesnt have to stay 40+ thats up to the staff provided it gets implemented. Why should we add it? - Because when there is no tech on, the power stays out for sometimes hours, for me and a lot of others it is highly annoying to not be able to see well. What are the advantages of having this? - Well there will be more of a chance that a technician is on to be able to fix the power if there is 40+ people on. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - N/A
  7. I don't know who you are, but welcome back to the community!
  8. GLaDOS


    I don't ever seeing it come back, I wasn't around when he was here but I still know enough about this situation to form this opinion on it. I hear a lot of mixed feelings about our old Peanut, but the copyright on him wasn't because it existed in our server (or it could've been but just hear me out), the reason why is because in some way, shape or form, you had to pay money to be him, I don't know necessarily if he was a Bronze - Platinum job but the mere fact that you can buy levels would've prevented him from being in the game even if he wasn't a VIP job. If you could buy something to get him, the copyright stands. Because of what is previously stated, if you were to give this Semi- Broken SCP to any average player who just stumbled into the server, it would cause WAY to many issues to be worth it anyway, Glitches/Bugs, Mass RDM, FailRP, etc. This character could've been massively exploited, so I believe that it really wasn't solely because somebody likes money and wanted to take him out. Is that Administration already was leaning on the side of letting him go anyway. REMINDER: None of this is pure factual information, I gathered some info and formed an opinion on it and decided to share it here. Anyway, I'd love to see him back too, as I never really saw him to begin with. But it just seems impossible.
  9. Welcome back, its unfortunate that you lost all that stuff, but it is fortunate that you'll be joining us again! Hope you stick around!
  10. Hello Ender! It'll be nice to get to know you. Can't exactly say 'Welcome' but I'm glad you posted.
  11. Lore Name: GLaDOS Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:89411271 Rank: Lead Researcher Activity Level: 7/10
  12. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iKvOK6XTckFqTQwjwEnQrDzdPOgMScQkSl1TbNHtT0M/edit?usp=sharing
  13. GLaDOS


    So Im just now doing this I've been around for a while now on SCP-RP You might know me, because this is a little late. So Hello!
  14. I dont know if this qualifies as an "Incident" but I put it here.
  15. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EKgYXPBqdrK_cfmuLCdwAMRy2SQ5BSgtgcCMJf_FA4U/edit?usp=sharing
  16. If you highlight the redacted stuff it says what is. Like this: TEST Just to let you know
  17. GLaDOS

    Buff the Negev

    I took out 5 armed d-class with the negev just this morning, none of them had a chance to even hit me. +support
  18. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1is52Gi3XoboBfguSIZqgps_LCghjdrIw-6iWF9CgjTQ/edit?usp=sharing Note: This is a continuation of a test I did as a Associate Researcher. Previous Test:
  19. + Support Reasons: +Creative Person +Super Friendly +No Warns/Strikes/Demotions +He Is Pretty Active +He Has Spent Enough Time On The Server to Know/Learn How To Plan Events +I Think He Could Do It
  20. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yg1dB8zHyi05ljZ7uf1SIOEouPVodlwDdheqYAepoRI/edit?usp=sharing Notes: I was told late, that it had already been done. But I was also told that it hadn't so I don't know where this stands so please let me know.
  21. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11LOn1PDonPWomTXfPWsspbwnc02lbhCbS_VPQTzlknQ/edit?usp=sharing
  22. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GXG0SNK6c1NTYpcKNQgNlSsPQg8IY3raM56V_CSXZrw/edit?usp=sharing
  23. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E62c6BieTPb9omcs6VWcPlGRfjX4NKrzd-dcYIWfaMA/edit?usp=sharing
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