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Everything posted by Alton

  1. Alton


    They wouldn't add advance EMS, their not gonna add this....
  2. I think your phone or phone browser is fucked.
  3. This post shouldn't have needed to be posted, it's been less than a month since you've been made chief, and clearly some large mistakes have been made...but from that post i can tell your trying to recover and fix the mistakes, so thanks for giving Alex his position back.
  4. Name: Alton Rank: Senior LT Why do you think you deserve to stay in the Department?: Dunno why I shouldn't be removed, I'm online and help other people, as well as attempt to equally split PD time with EMS. Any changes you want in the EMS?: Give Alex his rank back!
  5. This seems like something that should be done weekly, we need a host to read them out loud and present it as a TV show.
  6. Sometimes people are dicks, but that's life rly. It's up to you to decide how the situation ends.
  7. Name: Alton SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120533979 Current rank: CPT How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are): 1 Month Rank Wanted: MAJ How many warns do you have? 0 Do you have a Working mic? Yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): Bob Bob. Why should you be promoted? : I believe I should be promoted because I have shown that I am able to perform my duties as a CPT within PD, and am also able to maintain and control situations that can become out of hand. With the new rank I'd be able to promote people further and give in those who deserve the rank, not only that but also demote, meaning people who are not deserved of the rank will lose it, I am active on the server during early hours meaning some people might not see me online however with this new rank I can Promote/ demote higher, this meaning any supervisor who get online when there aren't many people on and thinks that they can abuse their powers won't be able to anymore.. Thanks to my previous experience in Command as well as the new experience I have gained while being an LT and CPT I know how to handle the situation and professionally command PD, this including RP and our of RP situations. Not only that but I also know the Pd rules fluently and can quickly identify if a person should or should not be doing something. From my previous experiences, I have had to fix peoples names, attitude and badge numbers. You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes
  8. Alton

    My Car Accident

    Looks like a scratch
  9. How could something like a text screen cause more lag?
  10. He is a good and mature person when on the server, the only faults that have been pointed out by people such as the minge for 10,000 seconds thing and responding to his own app are just a simple mistake, nothing that cant be learned when being a t-mod.
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