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Everything posted by Alton

  1. Not to mention in your reasons why you say you will "officers are trained the right way and the good way so we dont have corrupt cops on the street.". As an SM you should already be doing this stuff and not waiting for LT. It doesn't look so good when you seem to not be too aware of this in your application.
  2. I dont like all the words...so....naaaa (+support)
  3. Alton

    Ryan Staff Report

    Nice to know you didn't put so much motivation in just my staff report.
  4. Name: Alton SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120533979 Current rank: MAJ How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are): 1 Month Rank Wanted: COL How many warns do you have? 0 Do you have a Working mic? Yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): Dane, Bob Bob Why should you be promoted? : I believe I should be promoted because I have shown that I am able to perform my duties as a MAJ within PD, and am also able to maintain and control situations that can become out of hand. With the new rank I'd be able to promote people further and give in those who deserve the rank, not only that but also demote, meaning people who are not deserved of the rank will lose it, I am active on the server during early hours meaning some people might not see me online however with this new rank I can Promote/ demote higher, this meaning any supervisor who get online when there aren't many people on and thinks that they can abuse their powers won't be able to anymore. Thanks to my previous experience in Command as well as the new experience I know how to handle the situation professionally to the standard to PD Command, this including RP and our of RP situations. Not only that but I also know the PD rules fluently and can quickly identify if a person should or should not be doing something. From my previous experiences, I have had to fix peoples names, attitude and badge numbers. Not only this but I am I ex-COL and have past experience with my duties and power. This taken into consideration I believe shows that I'm capable of fulfilling my job efficiently and effectively. You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes
  5. Do you have any more evidence?
  6. Alton

    Very kinky

    You're very sad.
  7. Dunno what you're on m8 but everything you've said apart from the incomplete application I don't think you can justify because it's not true. (+Support)
  8. Alton


    hOW DO YOU THINK I HAVE 65MILL?!?!?!? It's not because I got given it...promise
  9. Alton


    Snar actually on ARU :O (also moments before i died for saying that)
  10. That chair looks like it get's in the way when you wanna watch tv
  11. Honestly, if you didn't respond to the warns section with "I have a total of warns" I would've promote you just for the shits and giggles.
  12. Alton I'll promote you in PD
  13. You appologise for replying to your app by responding to your app?
  14. Their is no reason why he shouldn't be promoted...
  15. Alton

    False Warn

    What's with the colour of the text? It's hurting my eyes
  16. also no evidence, Why is it that not once I have seen a police report done correctly...
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