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Everything posted by Alton

  1. If you carry on responding to applications and giving unnecessary or rude responces, you're going to have your reserve rank removed. Shut up.
  2. Alton

    Sulls LT app

    Dyslexia isn't an excuse for poor grammar or spelling. I'm heavily dyslexic in English and it has been proven 4 times from different experts in their field. However I still manage to produce 30 page documents without major spelling errors
  3. Alton

    Duels LT App

    Denied If you wanna play tag in the middle of the street with your vehicle, then don't try to become a command member. You may re-apply next year.
  4. Alton

    Duels LT App

    If you're as mature as your saying you wouldn't feel the need to put your application at risk of being denied by responding to it.
  5. Denied You may re-apply in 2 weeks
  6. Accepted! @Pooders Come speak with me in TS
  7. +support -Great person -Good past experience -Achieved a respectable rank on staff in the past -Knows the MOTD in detail. However, since you've only recently returned to the server it's most likely your application is going to be denied.
  8. That's why I want to speak to him.
  9. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew...is that an Apple computer. Speak with me in TS when you're able too, I'd like to have a chat about this.
  10. Denied You may re-apply in 2 weeks.
  11. Denied You may re-apply within 2 weeks.
  12. Denied You may re-apply after 2 weeks and once your activity and maturity improves.
  13. Denied You may reapply in 2 weeks
  14. PENDING please speak with me in Teamspeak by the end of the week. @utetwo
  15. I believe it's 3 days, I dont think every staff member especially tmods and moderators have 1 week
  16. If you agree with munchies then you quoted the wrong piece of text, he later changed his mind after cashtag improved on his application following munchies advice.
  17. Accepted Please come talk to me in Teamspeak!
  18. @[GL] Kanny Please speak with me in TS ASAP
  19. Alton

    add rule - Denied

    - support. This just seems like a tool to be abused by minges
  20. Would you be able to dm me with more information please.
  21. I dont remember any medical service that provides armor to its patients? So I dont know why you're saying till improve RP But I would prevent resets happening so often so +support
  22. it will be denied because of lag
  23. Alton

    TrueNorth Mafia

    when did u form your family?
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