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Everything posted by Alton

  1. How do you know his forms account wasn't banned as well?
  2. @Tonto Can we get your response to this? Otherwise it's not looking great for your LT application
  3. Could just increase the price of guns, leaving only the shitty pistols available for the starting cash (50k). That way it'll also reduce the chance of someone just buying a decent gun instead
  4. If what you said was true then -support
  5. Having 59 warns and then complaining about the one doesn't really help you. That shows that the other 58 times you've consistently broken the rules, something that the staff member you accusing hasn't done. Also for the reasons above.
  6. Alton

    I'm so sorry.

    There is always something people regret, however, there isn't anything I have done so bad that is equivalent to what the appeal is for, too which I regret.
  7. +support Fixed the application, showing intent to follow the rules. Why not give him a chance?
  8. Alton

    Money for ranks.

    Ha no...go do your own money hungry fundraiser
  9. Alton

    Money for ranks.

    You can't promote to a SM
  10. Alton

    Money for ranks.

    ...U wanna just give me some for being so nice?
  11. Alton

    Money for ranks.

    I'll tell u what, I'll through in SWAT commander as well for 15mill?
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