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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by GhostlyNinjaDude

  1. So I feel like there's been a lot of feedback (good and bad) ever since it was announced ARU would be making a return to PoilceRP. I am making this post solely to see what the community feels about this and condense all the opinions of our community in one place. This is a community made pole, please post your thoughts about ARU being added. Keep it respectful, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
  2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  3. I personally think that it's just a video game so I don't really mind anything but I will say this... It's totally unfair to all of CERT that they get ranked down to a secondary tac unit because of ARU being re-added back into the server and SMT didn't even notify them prior to making a decision. That's just me opinion.
  4. HUGE MEGA +SUPPORT Get trolled :3 -Very Active! -Friendly -Mature -Respectful -Definitely deserves a chance at Forum Diplomat Good luck Stumpy my son!
  5. Goodbye my son Bronco even though you didn't mention me in your post, you will forever live in my heart
  6. Sad to see you go dude. I wish you luck in your future endeavors!
  7. I'm pretty sure this post isn't serious sooooo... -Support.
  8. +Support -Active on Teamspeak and Server -Mature -Knows the rules -Forum activity needs to improve -#15 is wrong Overall I think you're a great dude and deserve a shot at staff. Good luck dude!
  9. In-Game Name: Ghostly Steam Name: [GL] GhostlyNinjaDude SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60269264 Are you a Moderator+? Yes. How often are you on TeamSpeak? Almost everyday (about 5-6 days out of the week) I'm in the military so at times there'll be weeks where I won't be able to get on for up to 5 days, but I'm very active on Teamspeak. Do you have a working quality mic? Yes. What timezone are you in? Mountain. Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+) I would like the opportunity to join the support team because I love this community. I believe that if I'm apart of the Support Staff I can better help the people of our community and help the support staff with any problems that may arise. I'm online almost everyday and am active on Teamspeak every time I get on. It's a great way for me to help everyone in the GL Community while also being active. I see people requesting tags all the time when I'm on Teamspeak and I would love to have the opportunity to help out when needed. Thank you for considering me for Support Staff. How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I consider myself a funny and very positive guy. I get along with most of staff and we all have a good time. I'm also very active on Teamspeak and can pull my weight and help my fellow Support Staff with any situation that may occur. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? I would introduce myself by saying "Hello, my name is Ghostly and I'm with Support Staff, how may I help you today?" to whomever needs help, then would proceed to ask what the problem is and handle it to the best of my ability. Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes I've read all rules and agree to uphold them as best I as I can.
  10. F His legacy will never be forgotten #RIPStanTheManLee
  11. THE LAWMEN ARE HERE!!!!! In-photo @ArmyGuy @GhostlyNinjaDude @Joe Mama @JMS Gray Matter (Doesn't have forum account or couldn't find it) #TheLawmenAreHere
  12. +Support Everyone deserves a second chance
  13. I agree. You seem like a good dude but I think you should wait a bit longer and be more active on the forums. Best of luck!
  14. Hooplaa DEFINITELY deserves Colonel. Good luck!
  15. HUGE +SUPPORT -Active in game and on Teamspeak -Mature -Great Staff Moderator -Great Application -Would make a great support staff
  16. +\- Support -Has prior Staff Experience -Been with community for awhile -Semi-Active -No poll -Inactive on forums -Rarely see you in game -First post on forums Overall I think you need to wait to apply and reapply once you meet all requirements and become more active on the server and forums.
  17. 1. What is your in-game name?: Ghostly 2. What is your steam name?: GhostlyNinjaDude 3. What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:60269264 4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: Yes. -Friends Gaming (DarkRP, Deathrun, TTT) [Rank: Admin] [Term :2014-2015] -Trinity Networks (DarkRP) [Rank: Admin] [Term: 2016-2017] -SuperLegion (DarkRP, Deathrun) [Rank: Community Manager] [Term 2017-2017] 5. What date did you start playing on the community? Around mid September 2018. 6. What date did you make your forums account? October 12th, 2018. 7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank) User. 8. How many warns do you have on the server? Zero. 9. Have you donated? No but I do plan on to 10. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator. 11. Have you read the staff guidelines: Yes. 12. Timezone: Mountain. 13. Permission (Admin+ need this): 14. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? I believe I deserve the opportunity to be a Trial-Mod for the server because I'm an active and dedicated player in the community. I love the server and the community around it and enjoy getting on the server after work. I put in multiple hours a day on PoliceRP and enjoying helping people and stopping people who want to ruin the gaming experience for everyone. I have a lot of prior experience as staff and know how it works and how to handle different situations within gmod admin sits. I'm currently in the Army so I know how to work in stressful situations and how to handle them and deescalate the situation. With all of this information I had provided, I am a Mature, Active, Dedicated and honest person and I believe I would make a great Trial Mod. Thank you for the opportunity and for considering me to be staff. 15. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would pull him/her into a sit and jail them to stop them from shooting. I would check logs to confirm the mass rdm and hear both the sides of the story. I would give a verbal warning to them to stop cursing and if it continued I would gag them. After confirming a mass rdm, I would get an admin+ to minge for him/her for 10,000 seconds, but would minge for as long as a T-Mod can and warn the player for Mass RDM along with Player Diss.
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