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Everything posted by GhostlyNinjaDude

  1. I'm gonna miss you Yobo. You're the only other military service member on GL that I know (Even if we serve different countries) Good luck m8. See ya when you come back! #ServingNATO ?? ??
  2. Lmao it's +support, not +1 but I get what you're getting at
  3. Agreed. This should've been handled in game. @Aaron Hotcher I'd like to hear your side.
  4. Damn Jeff. We really didn't know each other that much but you've been here since before I joined. We had some cool moments together and you were definitely a cool dude. Good luck in your future endeavors!
  5. I just wanna say how proud I am of this department and how active and fun everyone in it is. We've been getting a insane about of members in DOC and everyone in it has a good time and RPs the crap out of it! Good job to everyone who is helping make DOC great! ?
  6. Wow this is amazing! It's things like this that make me proud of DOC. Keep up the good work!
  7. -Support -No Steam ID -Applying for Admin (should be T-Mod) -I don't really know the answer to 11 -15 and 16 are both very wrong
  8. For those who wonder what goes on at DOC when there's no one online Shoutout to @Chad B who build these "wonderful" pieces of art
  9. +Support Chad banned him by mistake when he met to ban someone else. I was there with Chad in Teamspeak and I'm sure he'll give his side soon. He made a mistake and you'll be unbanned hopefully soon.
  10. You can apply for State if you're a LCPL+ in PD.
  11. +/- support This application is really good but I just don't see you on enough. Improve your activity! Good luck!
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