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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by GhostlyNinjaDude

  1. DOC ACCEPTED LIST DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS POST The following have been accepted into DOC. Please contact a SGT+ in DOC to get you trained. Congratulations! ACCEPTED LIST 1/14/19 -Timmemes -DURAMAX -SGT Cashtag 1A26 -Toxitman -SGT PAPA 1D54 -Hotshot -Irwin
  2. -Support β€’No posts, except for this one. β€’Didn't answer questions #12-16 (Missing) Also didn't answer question #8 β€’Haven't seen you online at all β€’No poll
  3. Agree with all of this. Definitely deserve Senior Admin. +Support Good Luck!
  4. Damnnn. Sad to see you go dude. You were a great admin! Good luck in your future endeavors!
  5. Lmao jeez ? -Support Impersonated the owner
  6. I'm really glad to hear this, DOC has been expanding and getting a lot of new players. I'm glad you are enjoying RPing with DOC!
  7. How has this not been accepted yet? Huge +Support
  8. Just ask to get your name changed.
  9. I wish I was cool like you. Thank you for your service. ?
  10. Shut up inactive meme lord "I'm getting trolled" Duv. This does sound great tbh and is a good idea. I'll have to get with DOC High Command and we'll talk about this. Good idea @UrDadHasBigStraight
  11. Number 1 is sorta what I had in mind when I was coming up with the idea. It's suppose to be a separate class under criminals and they RP as a inmate in the prison. Nothing more, nothing less.
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