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Everything posted by GhostlyNinjaDude

  1. Huge +Support VII family has been known to minge around a lot.
  2. Huge +Support Active on the forums everyday and has a good amount of post. He's very respectful and treats everyone the same. Very mature and a great staff member. Friendly Steve defenitly deserves Forums Diplomat in my opinion. Good luck! -Ghostly
  3. +Support Evidence on Doctor. I was spectating Gabagool Connoisseur and I witness him doing the same thing for Doctor. I understand the +/- support for Gabagool Connoisseur due to the lack of evidence but I witness him either Speed hacking or abusing a glitch same as Doctor.
  4. Agreed. David is a great dude but he's well over the warn limit.
  5. Name on roster: Ghostly Rank on roster: CPL How active are you: I try to get on at least a couple times a week. Between staffing on PRP and being in the military my time is very limited. Who should be the next Major? Not sure. Maybe have a vote on it. What can Security ο»Ώimprove on? Maturity. Why should we keep you in Security? (30+ words) I do love getting on SCP-RP whenever I have time and I really enjoy being in security. I know my activity isn't the best but I try and I enjoy RPing situations out as security. I'm also very mature and respectful towards my higher ups and all security personnel.
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